Is it normal that im scared of flys and ants?

Is it normal that i'm scared of fly's and ants? I was getting out of the shower and I went to the kitchen to start dinner, and like 5-6 fly's were hanging around the sink. There were tons. I couldn't walk through the kitchen with out having to duck for one. I'm scared something might have died in my house.
Is it normal that i'm scared to walk over or have ant's on me? I think it's because of the weather, but lately, I've been having ants hang around my house. The really big red one's to. I always have to run over or walk around the car. I don't know why but it really freaks me out. Please let me know that i'm not alone.

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58% Normal
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Comments ( 5 )
  • shuggy-chan

    What about flying ants

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  • thegypsysailor

    There as a case last week on the BBC news online of a woman attacked and eaten alive by houseflies in Wales. I was horrible to read.
    And of course you've heard of soldier ants; I think they are red? The ones that cut a swath miles wide and tens of miles long and leave nothing alive in their wake. Nothing can stop them, not even rivers; they just keep on coming until there is a bridge of dead ants for those following, to cross the water on.
    You are so right to be afraid, very, very afraid.

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  • no you can only pick one fly or ant . dont be a baby bout it pick one ..mine is spiders/snakes so i'l pick spider are the worst uh yuck snakes are so scary so so scary ..but so are big spiders omg dont listen to me!

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  • bluesun

    They are not scary Unless you are looking at them from a magnifying glass , or you should spray your house more often.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Maybe keep a clean house.

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