Is it normal that im scared of the dark?

ok every night i have to sprint and like fly into bed becase im scared of the dark so have a light next to my bed and when i jump into bed i feel like something will grabs my ankles and pull me down and never let me go like a clown im terifide of clowns it normal?

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80% Normal
Based on 41 votes (33 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • write somthing!

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    • thanksforthefreecar


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  • NotStrangeBird

    Why did you come here, this place is full of clowns.

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  • angelbee11

    I am terrified of the dark! I can't even sleep with it too dark, I leave the bathroom light on.. If not, I can't sleep, I'm just paralyzed in fear. But it makes perfect sense to be scared, we do fear the unknown, and in the dark, you can't see (duh). It's just a phobia, everyone has one!

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  • drugsrbadmkay

    It is normal because there really IS something under your bed WAIT DID YOU JUST HEAR A NOISE?

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  • imagirldealwithit123

    :o :D

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  • mas0n

    how old r u

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  • It's normal. There's something within mankind that looks into the unknown and projects the worse into it. It's why we have so many futuristic movies and none of them are a utopia. (Think about it; when's the last time you saw a movie where the future wasn't a mutant infested hell hole with blood thirsty robots?)

    Fear is the crux of man's nature. I had more to say but my brain refuses its work.

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  • NotStrangeBird

    OK how about this then...Lay in the dark and loudly taunt the monsters and clowns. I bet fifty bucks that no monsters or clowns attack you.

    Of course if they do attack I don't have to worry about paying you now, do I?

    You could also pay me to come nail your closet shut and saw the legs off your bed. The monsters and clowns would have nowhere to hide.

    Better psychology through carpentry!!!

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  • snowtail802

    0-0 im screwed

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  • snowtail802


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  • snowtail802

    ne'r-do-well....your so mean and wth is silgent hill?...

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  • disthing

    Oh come on! That's one of the most common phobias. Most children overcome that fear, but some people hang on to it.

    Use that overactive imagination of yours to battle away these demons of the night. Imagine you are the most dangerous thing in your room when the light is out, that if anything even attempted to attack you, they would suffer a horrible death. In fact those nasty hidden beasties know this, they are hiding under the bed because they are too cowardly to come out and face you. Tell them, "if I see even one claw, one hair, one fang of you, you'll regret it." Next time you're in your room, slowly but aggressively take one step forward at a time towards your bed, in the dark. As slow as possible, like you could be there all night. Think, "I am the baddest, strongest thing in here." When you reach your bed, climb into it and say "it's a good thing you guys didn't try anything. Goodnight beasties" and go to sleep.

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  • abominus566

    msybe you are not afriad of the dark itself, but what could be in it that you do not know about? its human nature, i fear no such thing though. interesting ly enough many people are afraid of clowns idk why, but the only way to get rid of a few is to face it

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Same here.

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