Is it normal that im sick of judging based on preferences

i hate how people judge you by preferences. example: i hate how if you dont like the beatles, people will automatically think "oh you dont know what music is." i just dont like the band, damn it! or if you dont enjoy/havent seen a "classic" movie people always make some dumb exaturation like its a rule of life that you have to have seen it and loved it. a few weeks ago, i said i didnt like mashed potatoes, and a person responded, if you dont like mashed potatoes you arent american. so now your ethnicity is based on food you like that came from ireland in the first place? oh please, tell me more.

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72% Normal
Based on 50 votes (36 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • shade_ilmaendu

    People prefer to get themselves caught up in the trivialities of life so they don't have to think about the difficult shit.

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    • elenaki

      that was actually really deep. May I steal it please?

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        Ooh yes, by all means quote me.

        I'mmma be famous, bitches.
        God I'm silly today.

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  • redneckgirl1507

    I saw a comment on a news story about the Aurora shooting that made me sick. It was "I wish he had waited until the Twilight movie came out." The comment had almost 450 likes and 13 dislikes.

    So people with questionable taste deserve to die now?

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  • Ldizzy1234

    Yeah, I don't like this either. But try not to take it too seriously. Sometimes they might be kidding around or acting sarcastic.

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  • Justsomejerk

    I think you mean nationality.

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  • DeerInTheHeadlights

    People tend to be biased, get over it, kid. I'm almost positive whoever tell you "you don't real music" or "you aren't a real American" isn't serious. If you take it seriously, that's your problem. Maybe you should stop being an uptight douchebag and suck it up.

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  • himynameis

    Omg yes!!! This stuff makes me so mad!! Shouldn't "real music" be different for everyone?! "Real music" is just whatever music makes you feel happy! I hate when people judge based on personal preferences. >:O

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I guess now is a good time to admit it. I have never seen "Mary Poppins". Nope...never seen it...not once.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    People are simple sometimes. They like to make simple categorizations because they need to have a definite understanding of the world to hold on to, in other words, they fear the unknown.

    It's the same reason why some religious fear anything that could compromise their world view, the same reason why you have people who refuse to listen to anything other than one genre of music... they need something solid to hold on to

    I typically try to avoid said folks.

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  • malkiot

    How the **** do mashed potatoes come from Ireland?

    1. Potatoes were only introduced to Europe in the second half of the 16th century.
    2. Potatoes are a stable in all European countries, and solved a large part of the food supply problems we had.

    And no, disliking or liking particular food, or any preference at all for that matter, should not reflect on your nationality. I do, however, consider it to be quiet unimportant to remember genres, artists, titles and such. I always chuckle when someone gets upset over such trivialities.

    I myself make such allusions (eg. "You don't like beer!? You're no German!") as an attempt at humour.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Yep it is a harsh world alot of people don't seem to get it.

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  • EAT_IT

    Yep, a lot of people are very shallow.

    Hanging out with those who are not is the way to go :)

    I like pie whether people like it or not.

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