Is it normal that im still on the fence of believeing in god?

Is it normal that im on the fence if God is real or not? I dont know what to think any more i know there is a God but do i believe IN a god. I dont know what to believe anymore, im being pushed in to many derections that my mom is telling me there is such a thing but then when u look at science its totally different. Is it normal that i want prof that god is real because i sure got the science over and done with i just would like to have prof if he is real. Is it normal to second guess your self? Is it normal to want to believe but know theres something holding you back? When i was a little kid i prayed to god and asked him certain things but not like "can you get me a puppy", more serious like"can you help my dad find his way" or "can you change the way parents life around" stuff like that. The stuffed i asked for never happened. Maybe it did and im not realizing. Is it normal to think like this?

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84% Normal
Based on 58 votes (49 yes)
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Comments ( 19 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    A lot of people are on the proverbial fence. They call it being Agnostic.

    Life is a journey, you have to find your own way and your own path. Do what works for you... unless it is illegal, then don't do it.

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    I believe in science, I believe that the universe was formed during the Big Bang, but I also believe in alternate universes. Sometimes I do wonder though, how did it all start? What happened when there was absolutely nothing? Something had to start it all right? I don't know man. Nobody does. Probably nobody ever will. All we can really do is live our lives and wonder.

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  • justanotherpersonalk

    god isnt real in my opinion, im agnostic, i dont believe in anything, and whoever said agnostic mean on the fence is wrong. but i think if there are so many religions, they cant all be right, like buddhists dont even think twice about our god, but to christains, thats all they think about.

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  • TonybigCock

    Our universe is a bubble in the great lords bubble bath. Maybe?

    Did you know that some particles in quantum physics change their behaviour if they think there being watched?:

    The physicists in the double-slit experiment have confirmed that our observation of particles changes their behaviour. Particles act differently when observed as opposed to when they’re not observed.
    Quantum Physics and The Observer

    You could say that the particles behavior is dependent on our observation of its’ presence. You could also say that the particle knows it’s being watched and because of this, it acts differently.

    “When observed the electron decided to act differently. It was as if it was aware that it was being watched.”

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    • suckonthis9

      The observation principle that you cite, has since been disproven.
      It is, however, very important to understand the double-slit experiment to gain an understanding of the actual nature of the Universe.

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      • TonybigCock

        I cannot find any articles on google that backup your assertion, can you please provide a link.

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        • suckonthis9

          Please read the following article that does include a link to the paper published in Science:

          There is an easier way to understand what the actual nature of Universe is.
          I had always dismissed the notion in Quantum Mechanics, that electromagnetic radiation is both a particle and a wave. Instead, I like to describe it as a particle that exhibits a wave-like behaviour.
          Please keep this in mind, whether you agree with me or not.
          The solution is easier than you think.

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  • suckonthis9

    Please do not use the generic Anglo-Germanic term for a deity, that simply means 'good'. If you wish to use a generic term, please use the word 'deity (deities)' instead. The Abrahamic deity is commonly known variously as Jehovah or Yahweh or Allah, depending on language.
    To answer your question: This creature (that has often been misinterpreted as a deity), actually did exist. Please note the past tense. The group of creatures that this creature belongs to, are not like us in many ways. They are hermaphroditic, but they do assume female and male roles. It is not correct to assign a gender to them, please use 'this', 'they' or 'them'.
    These creatures do not interfere in naturally occuring events. They disapprove of repetitive ceremonial behaviour, and they regard this as an insult to them as well as to oneself. They recommend quiet contemplation at an appropriate time and place.

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    • Wendell

      What the fuck are you talking about?

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      • NocturnePonyFan

        He's on something...I just know it.

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      • suckonthis9

        What I am talking about is the actual nature of creatures that have often been misinterpreted as deities, demons and various other creatures of folklore.

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        • Wendell

          Yeah that's what I meant. What creatures?

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          • suckonthis9

            The creatures are from a Very Highly Advanced Technological Civilisation in the galaxy L2 in our local cluster. You can use the abbreviation VHATC-L2 if you wish. "L2" is their galactic designation, not ours.

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  • drugsrbadmkay

    It's normal and healthy. If you have never questioned your faith you probably have a very shallow and naive view of God. Questioning is required for spiritual growth.

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  • commoner

    There's no such thing as being "on the fence".

    you either belive in a god or you don't.

    if you're not sure about a can know you don't belive.

    stop believing in "being on the fence"....and be honest with yourself.

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  • confusednfrustrated

    The truth will not come from any external source; it can only come from within. If you're referring specifically to the relatively recent Christian notion of an invisible man-god that loves unconditionally and will also torture you for all eternity....well, i might delve a little further into the historical record. 'Zeitgeist Movie' is a good start. Also, quantum physics points to evidence of 'god'. Though, the ancient hindu's 'Vedas' seem to have known about this all ready...

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  • Santan'sdaughter

    Yeah i understand. I am hitting that age where im finding who i am and what i like. And what i want to do when i get older, but all my ive been pushed on to believe in him i just want to believe in him because i want to, not because of someone told me to do. I believe there is a god, but im still on that fence of god. And the more i so searching the more im coming of the fence to believe in him. I just have to believe in him because i want to.

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  • kelili

    It's very difficult to believe in something you don't see and I understand you because I have had the same feelings. I think that there's a GOd. It's good and reassuring to believe in a God. I think that God is Good.

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  • Chotusstroker83

    Its time to stop believing in fairy tales.

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