Is it normal that im turned on by guys who can sew
is it normal that im a girl who loves guys that can sew
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is it normal that im a girl who loves guys that can sew
I love guys that can cook. I guy that could cook and sew? Wow, I'd be a total fool for that boy ;) My love for cooking guys is because I hate to cook and sewing is something I only wish I could do. It's hot when guys can do things you wouldn't expect!
Hm that sounds yummy. Sort of like guys who wear their jeans at capri length. It looks weird at first, but then I realize how absolutely adorable it is on guys..
My mother taught me to sew. Then in the Army (11th Airborne) it was important because you had to sew your socks, etc. Not sure any of my fellow parachute jumpers looked at each other with a hard-on, however!
damn thats random, i can prolly sew and cook, but sure man u got wat u like
My hubby sews and cooks. Thats half the reason I was attracted to him. But, he's still very masculine, loves all the typical 'guy' stuff. Hey, he even cleans up the kitchen after himself!