Is it normal that in scared to watch forest gump because i'll cry?
Ive only watched parts of the movie and they were all incredibly sad.
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Ive only watched parts of the movie and they were all incredibly sad.
I've never seen it all the way through and maybe I'm callous but the bits I have seen almost made me cry with laughter. I don't think it's the film. I think it's just Tom Hanks' face. He always looks constipated.
I just Googled him and Google came up with seven images. Six of them: constipation. In the seventh, he wasn't constipated but he very well might have been thinking about constipation.
It's a rather emotional movie but the fact that you are afraid to cry worries me more. I'd take some time to reflect on your fear of crying rather than trying to pick out a movie to watch.
Yeah it's a pretty emotional movie. There are some really sad parts, but there also some fun upbeat parts. It's more of a feel-good movie if anything.
I love it. Then part where he is talking to the grave is so damn sad though.
Really? I thought it was funny and by the way I missed the ending. I heard from my friends what happened it was kind of predictable to me. If I watched it I'd surely cry as well and I dont want to show my weak side to my friends even though they know it all too well. :p
I watched Brave the other day and for some reason it made me cry. I cried at the beginning of the movie when they were just playing music and showing the landscape. Maybe I was from Scotland in a past life. bahaha.
Most films have incredibly sad endings. By not watching them you'll miss out on a lot.