Is it normal that is it normal is making me feel depressed..

Is it normal that this place makes me depressed. I feel left out, an outsider... I've been on this site for about two years and at first it was all about giving the OP the best comment I could yet now I keep noticing the knew combers here have gotten to know people well and yet I still dont know anyone. I feel alone and as if even here I'm an outsider and theres no place for me here and my comments are not needed... Is it normal?

Voting Results
77% Normal
Based on 43 votes (33 yes)
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Comments ( 47 )
  • tori

    I totally understand you.
    I've been here for about 2 years. I took a hiatus for about 5 months. My being much older than everyone else here made me feel left out.
    Not to many people comment on my comments. And I find it extreemly hard striking up a conversation first. What if I sound like an idiot.
    Many people here strike up friendships.
    I just hope my comments help the OP.

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    • your dog is smiling in that cart :)

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      • tori

        Haha! She does!
        My dog really thought she was going. My daughter packed up and moved away for college. My husband surprised my daughter with this set-up as a joke. We always told her she needed to take the dog with her.
        My daughter has since graduated, but it's one of our favorite pictures!

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        • so huggable!

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  • The site isn't about making friends. If you want to make random friends, go on Facebook. Nobody wants this to be a social network like Facebook.

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    • I hate facebook... I see ok.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I feel the same way at times, but you're needed. All of the users are needed to contribute and by contributing we each get to make this site a better place:)

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    • I see. thank you. c:

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      • Avant-Garde

        You're quite welcome:D

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  • I think the for all the OPs out there; the more comments the merrier, so you should keep contributing.

    Be friendly with others and you'll make fast friends. Don't wait for the friends to come to you either, interact with members you happen to like. Make connections. :) Send someone a private message.

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    • um...ok I'll try but I dont really have the confidence what if they dont like me I'm hated alot...

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      • NoraBaker


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        • Nope

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      • NoraBaker


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        • Nope

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      • Sorry for the spelling error, that first sentence should have read "I think that..."

        I've done it myself and almost all of them replied, so I think it will work for you too. Make sure you write more than a sentence or two though, if you want to receive a response - I think some people appreciate the effort.

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        • It's ok I have a habit of fixing such errors in my mind subconsciously and so I dont really notice peoples mistakes. Plus I'm no good when it comes to english itself.
          Ok I'll try.. but I feel as if people will just reject me because its me... I feel like a low person.. but I'll still try. Thank you for your advice. c:

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  • dappled

    I've been here pretty much exactly two years if we count the pre-dappled account I lost the credentials for. It's liable that you and I know each other, that we've answered each other's questions, maybe we were even on a friendly footing.

    I can respect your comments because IIN was a different place when we started. Social networking as a concept is very pervasive and I think many of the site's users are familiar with it and, at times, use IIN that way (including me).

    Having a six month hiatus from IIN, it was interesting to come back and see the new people. Two of them in particular (they know who they are) became friendly with me pretty much from the outset. It was more down to who they are as people than any effort on my part. I can understand why anyone would feel bad at how quickly they've integrated themselves but, personally, I'm just glad they're here. I'd miss either of them if they left.

    Very few people are like them, though. I'm social enough but people generally know me because I comment on a lot of things. Like you, I do still try to give good answers (which in my case are often boring). Before coming back as dappled, I had a month or so as someone else. It was a lot easier to integrate myself because there wasn't any expectation on me and I could indulge myself in trying to amuse people. I got noticed quicker than dappled did and seemed to be reasonably well-liked.

    Maybe, being on the site so long, you build up a kind of reputation (both positive and negative). I could reel off a list of people who have openly stated they hate me, including loads who are still here. Personally, I don't mind. I'm self-aware enough to know how annoying I am and I can live with it.

    What about you? What is it that you think is turning people against you? If you invited people to tell you, would you actually want to know the answers? What if you didn't agree with them? Is it worth changing who you are for the sake of popularity? What would you like from IIN?

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    • I think what turns people against me is that I have low self esteem and I feel as if I'm nothing. I wouldn't mind others giving thier opinions and yes I would like to know their answers. I will try my best to accept them. No I dont think its worth changing who I am for popularity. I just want to get to know new people and not feel as if there is no place for me here.

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      • dappled

        You said your name further down in the post so I hope you don't mind me addressing this to you directly. I noticed your comments around and I think I've said things to you on a couple of occasions (the one I remember saying was about the profile pic, which I liked).

        I'll be honest, it came across that you don't spend much time on the site or feel part of it and I took this as meaning you didn't really want to. Looking back now, I read you wrong. I think it's more likely you felt shy. It's weird how often those two get mixed up (I speak from experience because I was shy/insecure at school and everyone thought I just didn't want to bother with them).

        I do understand it here too (I read the site for three months without commenting because I didn't think people would want to read anything I had to say). If you comment on other people's comments more, and maybe start a little convo, that's a good way to get to know people. And when people see you doing that, they'll want to talk to you too.

        I know it's hard to rustle up confidence out of nowhere but I do it on a daily basis. Some of the best comments on this site are from people with problems. Plus it's a great time to really be part of it here because this is as good as I remember it being, with plenty of really nice people about. :)

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  • just keep posting your input is valuable, what is your name so we can look for you?

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    • Yeah I will. thank you. I'm mari.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I know the feeling. I'm not liked either but then I've always "thought different" lol

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  • alv1592

    I've seen you post here before. I'm Angie, don't know if I'm noticed here very often either, but that's okay. Bazinga! :)

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    I have been here for a couple of months now, and I spend a TON of time on here. I am able to do this because I have a massively boring job that occupies very little of my 12 hour shift every day.

    I have meet a few people on here that I really like, some because they are funny, and some because their advice and opinions almost always match up with mine.

    As many people that I meet that I like, however, there has been just as many HATE me and rage me for no real reason. Especially recently!

    As far as making friends, feel free to chat with me and comment on my posts, as I would always love to have a new friend. As long as your not that JustinBiebsFan#1 kid. haha

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  • sassafrassi

    Do you go on the chat? It seems like the best way to make friends.

    If you like any of the following topics we can chat.

    -The Big Bang Theory
    -Dark chocolate
    -Climbing trees
    -Willow trees
    -Game of Thrones
    -Immortal Night the text based online game.
    -Overthrow of the Grammar Nazi's
    -Obese animals


    I'm jk we can chat anytime about anything. ;))

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    • anti-hero

      "Overthrow of the Grammar Nazi's "

      I think you meant...

      Overthrow of the Grammar Nazis

      LOL Sorry had to do it.

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      • sassafrassi

        The one time I don't mean to misspell and I get corrected! >.< You're on the top of my list.

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        • anti-hero

          Why can't people see that most of us GNs are just kidding and we don't really care?

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          • sassafrassi

            Whats GN stand for? And my apologies I was joking too. I forget i made a new name and no one knows me anymore.

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    • "Bazinga". Sheldon automaticly comes to mine when it is said.

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      • sassafrassi

        Sheldon always comes to mind when I see a cat. One of these days I'm going to sing Soft Kitty to a cat, although I can see that not going too well.

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  • anti-hero

    What are knew combers?

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    • Oh.. *blush* .. sorry english isn't my thing... "new-comer." My excuse for this stupid mistake is I was sleepy and in a hurry.

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      • anti-hero

        I was just messing with you.

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        • oh I see. Some people on here sometimes seem really serious about spelling and grammer so I felt as if I annoyed you with my mistakes. c:

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          • sassafrassi

            F the grammer Nasiz! we will preveil!?


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          • anti-hero

            Nah, I have an alter-ego that is a grammar nazi. I really don't mind.

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  • callb4ucome

    You are being an attention whore right now.... If u don't like leave it... Stop making life difficult for yourself

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    • If you tell how to delete my membership I'll leave. ..I don't know how to delete my membership.

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    • um..ok fine.

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