Is it normal that it annoys me when people say "sammich"?
Why do people always say "Go get me a sammich"? It is a "Sandwich". Why does everyone say it this way?
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Why do people always say "Go get me a sammich"? It is a "Sandwich". Why does everyone say it this way?
I'm bothered by it as well. To me it feels like someone is trying to impersonate a baby or a toddler and I don't find it cute, I find it stupid. It's like you're 18, speak proper English please.
It annoys me too. I don't know it gets to me, seeing as it's fairly innocuous. Maybe it's just the context in which it's often used, I don't know. I could understand if it was pronounced "sam-itch", but it isn't. It's "sand-widge" - at least, that's the only way I've heard it pronounced before. That said, "sandwich" is no closer to "sand-widge" than "sam-itch", so I guess complaining on those grounds is silly.
Still, it annoys me. Oh well, being annoyed by minor things is normal even if it's irrational.
I think a pronunciation thang with certain accents and said people expressing themselves their regional vernacular. I don't mind it. I say sandwich but when I was a kid I always thought of a Sand Witch when I heard tha word yo. Imagine a dusty, crusty, old Sand Witch just a crunchy ole biatch.
I would like to know your name so that I could track you down just to say " sammich" in front of you. Ha Ha!!!