Is it normal that loud noises make me cry?

For as long as I can remember I've been afraid of loud noises, to the point of crying if the noise won't stop. Whenever someone yells at me for doing something wrong, I hear the anger in their tone, coupled with the fact that they're raising their voice, and I flat out burst into tears. When someone is vacuming, I have to go to another room so I don't hear the loud sound it makes; and when a large car drives by, I cover my ears and cringe. I feel embarrassed by this ,and I'm just wondering, is this normal?

Voting Results
41% Normal
Based on 97 votes (40 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • Nikkibitch

    You probably have a phobia! Try seeing a psychiatrist to get over it!

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  • gummy_jr

    *Farts really loud*

    Did that make you cry?

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    • April=)

      that is sooooo mean but funny bbz

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  • RoseIsabella

    Do you have a neurological disorder?

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  • This was difficult to masturbate to.

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  • hiddenhands

    Are you hypersensitive? Or are you trolling?

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  • sweatervestetc

    I have a mild form of a condition called "sensory defensiveness" which is characterized by a hypersensitivity to sensory input. Basically, I am way too ticklish (in fact I have an attack response to tickling), I'm sensitive to harsh smells, I can't eat anything spicy, I can't handle bright light... and I jump at loud noises. When I was a young child I couldn't even flush my own toilet, and I turned ten before I could be on the same side of the house as a running vaccuum. Now, loud noises are still uncomfortable, but I can bear them at least.

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  • Fatal_Serenity

    I cry over almost anything, so it's normal to me

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  • Avant-Garde

    Talk to a therapist.

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  • StarTeddy

    Would you happen to be Little Albert?

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  • imadragon

    I also think it's a phobia, something might have happened when you were very young that made you anxious when you hear loud noises, or you inherited it from your parents. You should get some help about this because it can't be easy having such a phobia.

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  • Saycheese

    Did something happen to you when you were little? There are ways to overcome it.

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  • handsignals

    So if I let off fire works in your bedroom at 3am while you were asleep you probably wouldn't see the funny side of it?

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  • Karmasbitch

    So sensitive, I personally don't understand why people start crying over the tone of voices, it almost pisses me off. Haha but yeah! I don't think it's normal

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