Is it normal that most men infuriate me?

ok most men always say or do something that pisses me off! in highschool i was one of the guys but now i hate guys! im not lesbian its just they say " hey goodlookin" or try to be gentlemanly but i hate it! it makes me feel weak and vunerable! so my insticts takeover and im in attack mode! please help me! am i a feminist or just a freak?

Voting Results
29% Normal
Based on 45 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 26 )
  • NeuroNeptunian must not have that much going on in your life if something as stupid as this bothers you.

    I'm actually hoping that ItDuz tears you a new one here. These posts are why some people on this site think underaged posters should go die in a fire or something.

    Next time, please ask a good question.

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  • FocoUS

    Being a feminist doesn't mean that you hate men so I'd say no you're not one.

    I don't know what's wrong with you but it is abnormal. Have you had any bad experiences with men? Maybe now you're taking it out on the whole male population. You should get some closure on that to cool down. I'm just assuming because I don't have a clue why you hate it.

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    If you'd say to a man: "hey goodlookin", he'll be happy and feel great for the rest of the week. So us stupid men think that women might feel something similar.

    So... What could a man hypothetically say or do that would not piss you off?

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    • GoraIntoDesiGals

      Maybe we should say hey you ugly hag next time.

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  • Yeah, God damned those men, complimenting you and being gentlemen...

    What irritates me is how no matter what men do, there is always women complaining about them.

    I can't even believe that "this" is your reason for hating most of them.

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  • dappled

    Feminism is nothing at all to do with men, and everything to do with women, so I wouldn't have thought that this is feminism.

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    • That's what feminism is supposed to be about, no way is that what feminism is about now. Lol.

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        The modern day feminist movement is a bunch of bitches with sticks 3 feet up their ass, shouting at each other because they can't agree and screaming "objectification!" at every movie that shows a tit.

        Elizabeth Cady Stanton is probably having seziures in her grave right now.

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        • ZooManOtroy

          Good Work!

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        • I agree completely.

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          • shade_ilmaendu

            Apparently someone doesn't. ;P

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            • Most likely the OP. Not sure if I thumbed your comment, so I will try to bump it up due to agreeing with it.

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  • Lynxikat

    *face palm*


    Why does a man being polite to you make you feel "weak and vulnerable"? I can understand being annoyed by guys that are like "Hey babe, what's going on?", but guys who are just trying to be polite? Are you shitting me? What, do you throw a hissy fit when a guy opens a door for you, too? Or if a woman does it, it's okay, but if a man does it, than that's BAD.

    Like FocoUS said, feminism has nothing to do with men, it's all about giving women equal rights. Being a true feminist means you do NOT hate men.

    And you're 22? Seriously? At least ItDuz and True_Misanthrope have the decency of writing well and NOT sounding like the barely graduated high school. Their reasons for hating women (in ItDuz's case) or african-americans (in True_Misanthrope's case) are much more logical than your reasons for hating men- which is pretty sad. I mean, like, REALLY sad.

    Actually, you know what- I'm actually GLAD that you don't like men. Because that means you won't ever reproduce and spread your idiocy onto the world, because we have enough idiots like you in the world anyway.

    And if you're REALLY that serious about hating men, then go join the modern feminist social groups! Most of them hate men anyway! That's not what true feminism is suppose to be, but fuck it, they don't care! They just give feminism a bad name, but they don't care, because their misandry is so deep, that they couldn't give a shit! I'm pretty sure you'd fit right in.

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  • Avant-Garde

    True feminism has nothing to do with hating men. Modern "feminism" is actually misandry in disguise. It is not normal to hate people their genders. Since this seems to be negatively effecting your life, I think you should consult a therapist.

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  • keeka_renea13

    Are you a tomboy? I know tomboys that feel the same way...

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  • la_uva_mojada

    It sounds like you have some emotional baggage that is manifesting itself here. In order to be happy you will need to get over this. I would suggest therapy

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  • plum6

    All I can say is that this is not the proper attitude a lady should display in order to gain a reasonable chance to find a decent mating-partner with which one could spawn and succesfully raise offspring.

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  • kissmyfudgemaker77

    well thank yall for commenting and im pretty sure 22 isnt underaged... i cant help it. but thanks for helping anyways

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  • Hamid37USA

    hello friend. my name is hamid. i have problem of coming to your country and is am working hard to. if you can help i will make you a wife for promice. i need money card number to get ticket to come usa where i have options to do. please respond and i will make you my wife. thank you for help. you are good friend in america.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      Tell those terrorists to behave over there and you won't need to come here.

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