Is it normal that my boyfriend was looking at pictures of child porn?
My boyfriend of 5 years has always been a pretty great guy. We are both 23 and have a pretty good sex life, though he always thinks we don't have enough sex. He is kind of pushy about it when I don't feel in the mood, but in general the sex is great and he has always been faithful to me.
He loves pornography, I know this is normal and I consider it healthy actually for the most part. I tease him sometimes about it but generally I really could care less. The only time it bothers me is when he watches it while I'm still sleeping, sometimes I'll wake up and he'll be on the computer watching porn. Even though I don't love this, I kind of got used to it. Sometimes however I just get curious what he is watching and look at his computer history. Normally it is just your run of the mill lesbian and anal porn. Whatever, it's just a fantasy so who cares.
However this morning I found something disturbing. I was looking at his history which he had cleared from this morning, though there was something left from about 6 months ago. They were multiple blogs of very young naked girls. I'm not talking "just turned 18" type of young, I'm talking 6-12 aged girls in sexy outfits and sometimes completely nude in sexual poses with one another. There were pages and pages of this, no videos but a sh*t ton of pictures.
I have never found anything like this, I once before found some beastiality and he told me he was just curious and was very embarrassed. I let that go, I can understand that maybe curiosity got the better of him, however the child porn pictures really surprised me. Is this normal? Could he have just been curious? How could ANYONE be curious about that? AND look at 20+ pages of pictures? I don't know how to confront him, or if I should leave him. I'm hurt and disgusted and extremely confused.