Is it normal that my boyfriends obsession with cars annoys me?

My boyfriends obsession with cars annoys me. I grew up around car mechanics and I used to really like cars, but now I hate them, especially when he's around. Its not like I don't have my share of obsession, I am a avid comic book collector and for lack of a better word; nerd. I could talk your ear off about Lord of the Rings, and I feel bad, but I always tell him to shut up, or that 'I don't care' when he explains something about a car we see or something new he learned (especially if I already know). I can understand where he's coming from, but it still makes me absolutely crazy. Anyone else?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • chained_rage

    I liked the part where Dumbledore flew on the Enterprise so that they could destroy that golden fleece.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Sounds like a match made in Detroit, oops excuse me, hell. Why are you even with this cat? Your post is just gushing love for this guy. And to tell him to, "shut up, or that 'I don't care'" seems a bit insensitive to me.
    Why does he put up with this treatment? Is he that much of a pussy?

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    • HAHA, Gushing love. That sounds dirty.

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  • Angelmikeal0

    this is bullshit get ready to be dumped you better try to make it up to him, and thats a cruel thing to do someone you claim to love i hope he meets a girl who likes cars and dumps you for her.

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  • weirdguymctavish

    I guess its normal to be a bit mad that the car is getting more attention. If you liked cars as a kid you probebly thought that they were sort of persons too. And that now. Your boyfriend is putting a lot of attiont in that person , a car, you feel a bit envious. Thats totally understandable. And please. If i got this all wrong feel free to verbally slap me in the face, i can be an idiot about things like these XD

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  • RoseIsabella

    You said you grew up around auto mechanics, so I'm wondering if the reason you find this habit/obsession of his so annoying is because you probably know more about cars than he does? I'm just wondering.

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  • Ellenna

    Maybe he feels the same about your obsession but is too polite to say so? If it annoys you so much why are you still with him?

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