Is it normal that my brother is addicted to internet games?
My brother was a sweet little boy when he was little, but the second he hit his teens, he became this really mellow, slow dude that kind of walked around in circles at time until one of us pointed it out. He always liked computer games, but when he became a teenager, he become addicted to the point where he could sit there for hours on end playing the same game. Now he's a junior in high school and he literally sits all day long in his bed playing games on his laptop, and he only bothers to get up when he's hungry, when he takes a bath, or when something interests him. He's like this everyday and it's gotten intolerable. My parents lecture him and even take his laptop away, but he always finds it again. He even freaks out bad when my mother tries to take his laptop and acts like a maniac. I've even spoken with him but it's like talking to a World of Warcraft fanatic. To make matters worse, he's extremely lazy and hates doing homework, and he's a junior in high school. He's only got one more year in high school and he should be working on his GPA, scholarships, ACT scores and other stuff that is, you know, important! If we don't fix this problem soon, he'll either be living with my parents until they can't stand him anymore, then he'll be bothering me for money, food, and internet.
In all seriousness, I want him to have a good life, cause he's a smart kid, but his laziness for homework has even cost him a year of school. How do I get him to get back to reality and you don't have a cheat code??