Is it normal that my brother is addicted to internet games?

My brother was a sweet little boy when he was little, but the second he hit his teens, he became this really mellow, slow dude that kind of walked around in circles at time until one of us pointed it out. He always liked computer games, but when he became a teenager, he become addicted to the point where he could sit there for hours on end playing the same game. Now he's a junior in high school and he literally sits all day long in his bed playing games on his laptop, and he only bothers to get up when he's hungry, when he takes a bath, or when something interests him. He's like this everyday and it's gotten intolerable. My parents lecture him and even take his laptop away, but he always finds it again. He even freaks out bad when my mother tries to take his laptop and acts like a maniac. I've even spoken with him but it's like talking to a World of Warcraft fanatic. To make matters worse, he's extremely lazy and hates doing homework, and he's a junior in high school. He's only got one more year in high school and he should be working on his GPA, scholarships, ACT scores and other stuff that is, you know, important! If we don't fix this problem soon, he'll either be living with my parents until they can't stand him anymore, then he'll be bothering me for money, food, and internet.
In all seriousness, I want him to have a good life, cause he's a smart kid, but his laziness for homework has even cost him a year of school. How do I get him to get back to reality and you don't have a cheat code??

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Comments ( 13 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    I'm going to give you some advice from experience and you probably don't want to hear it but I strongly suggest that you take this to heart.

    This is not your problem and this is not your responsibility. All you can do is try talking to him, telling him how you feel, and remaining a positive role model and a supportive and loving sister. Your parents are the ones that need to take action. They need to enroll him in after school activities or something like that to push him away from the internet, cut off the wifi and internet in their house or otherwise set a different password... technology has advanced to the point where it is relatively simple to cut off one's internet access, especially if you are the one paying the bills.

    Seriously, this is your parents problem. Lecturing him and taking his laptop away isn't good enough and it sounds like they are not making enough of an effort to get him off the video games and that is sad. Your brother might have a mental or mood disorder pushing him into the escapism that he is finding in those video games and your parents need to get the kid help. Don't take responsibilities that are not yours because it could only hurt you. I know you love your brother, but someone has to step up to bat for that kid and your parents are the only people who really have that power.

    Good luck.

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  • DannyKanes

    I'll have sex after I level up and find a save point :)

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  • Capsule

    Oh boy. I recently quit my addiction to video games, and boy do I regret it.

    Addiction of any kind is NOT a positive thing.

    Video games is a form of escapism; It provides you a pleasurable but fake world so powerful that it can make you forget all about your real life.

    Once you are seduced by the pleasures of video gaming, you neglect and leave important things to decay like education, health, sleep, and most important of all in my opinion: creating real relationships.

    If you want to unplug your brother, you need to find a replacement activity in the real world that he can enjoy and provide the environment support this. Push him into a gym or go fishing or something.

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  • CarlBrigsby

    I was brutally addicted to an online video game in my teens. I manned up and sold my account when I turned 18 and didn't play for two years. I started playing again a few months ago but got bored quickly and now I have relinquished it from my life for good. Do I regret my wasted high school years? Not entirely. I hope he matures.

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  • Dozis

    (name here) This is (name of hot girlfriend here) she is willing to let you fuck her all you want if you stop spending your time playing videogames all day long.
    Hi. How are you? Are you horny?
    Him: who is she?
    You: I'll leave you guys alone. (whispering to her) Make him moan. What? are you a homo? I can find you a homolover as well! Give me, Give me that fucking laptop!
    Him: Listen, I do not know what she has been telling you but, (she jumps on him) hey! Wait a minute! This is just so unexpected! I am not, prepared,for,all.... this.
    Would you just shut your nerdy mouth and fuck me already?
    How is it going in there??? is everything alright?
    Your friend is crazy!

    if this doesn't take these stupid games out of his mind, I swear, I am going to, I am going to, Boil him alive!

    3days later:
    have you seen your brother? he is been acting so aeird recently. I do not even remember the last time I seen him home. Do you know anything about him?
    He found himself a girlfriend!
    A girlfriend? That's impossible!
    yeah, they are very,very close. They can't live without each other.
    How come I didn't know anything about this?
    I guess he just did not want to talk about it.
    is that his laptop? how did you even manage taking it out of his hands?
    said he didn't need it where he was going. He is not going to have much time to think about trolls and fairies and enchanted flaming swords.
    You don't think they are.... they are, aren't they?
    I would think so.
    Let's just hope she doesn't get knocked up then.
    Don't worry mom, I am sure they will both be crossing their fingers while doing it.
    What are you doing with that laptop?
    Checking, something.
    what is it you are checking?
    I confess, I am playing WoW.

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    • GeekiTheBrave

      this was very long and funny

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  • Glass

    Almost all games don't even have cheat codes anymore, just sayin. Anyway, do you know what game it is? I want to try it.

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    • dichichan

      You know, I've never bothered finding out, though it does look fun....but you must resist the temptation!

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      • Glass

        Nah man... gaming's my thing. Chances are it might just be something I've already played anyway.

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  • Trollbert

    At first I thought you were my sister talking about me.

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  • GeekiTheBrave

    Mind your business.

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  • helmsman1

    Turn off the internet for him, sell the laptop away or set a password. And never give it to him, should work after a week or two.

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  • zchristian

    Wow sounds like me other than the laptop part ( I dont like them ) and that i consider moving when im 20-21 i play around 10-12 hours a day ( blame me not having a job )

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