Is it normal that my cat eats chocolates?
I know it's unhealthy for her, and i try to hide it all away, but she destroys the house trying to get at the chocolate. There's also sweet wrapers all around the house. She a naughty kitty.
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I know it's unhealthy for her, and i try to hide it all away, but she destroys the house trying to get at the chocolate. There's also sweet wrapers all around the house. She a naughty kitty.
if she keeps eating it it'll kill her eventually. hide all the chocolate from her.
Not sure about cats, but chocolate is poisonous to dogs and can kill them.
I used to have a cat who was vicious for chocolate. It was very odd. And another favourite was cheese and onion crisps.
By the way, I'm sorry for all the typos. I writing on my phone and it has a tendency to auto-correct. :/ I'll come back to set things right with my cooment.
Oh my! This is ever so slightly cute as well as deeply troubling. I was always taught that both cats and dogs shouldn't eat chocolate as it was dangerous for them. Bears being excluded from the equation. (Those Lucky Bears!) My dog has chocolate before and he managed to survive and ever since, we have been more digilogent. Apparently, there are grades of danger, so to speak. White cocaye should be safe but it's even "real" chocolate being that it's made from cocoa butter. Milk chocolate is alright because the potency of the cocoa is diffused from the milk. It's certainly better than dark chocolate. The darker it is the more potent envy it has. I think to be on the safe side you should take your feline to the vet. -Good Luck.
What joeaverage said, just make sure to not give her it too much or she'll become overweight.
Try buying special cat chocolate drop treats.
I think it's alright if she eats it in moderation. As for dogs, I remember that they used to sell special chocolate for dogs. My brother ate it and said it was really good.