Is it normal that my cat has a lot of ear wax and dead skin?

I have a black kitten, a few months old. Most cats, from what I've been told, only need their ears cleaned about once a month to prevent infection. He needs his cleaned about every twelve hours. This is because his ears produce massive amounts of ear wax and dead skin. I've lived with at least two cats since I came home from the hospital after I was born, and I have never seen a cat with this much buildup. Our other black cat seems to produce a fair amount as well, but not nearly this much. Is it normal for his ears to produce this much earwax and dead skin, or should I get it checked out?

Yes, it's normal 3
No, it's not normal and you should get it checked out 17
It's not normal but I wouldn't worry about it 1
Other (please specify) 2
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Comments ( 5 )
  • dustã…¤

    He could have ear mites.

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  • naturefortheworld

    go to the vet.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    My kitten had this problem, it was because she had some virus as a baby and she never really got rid of all the symptoms. It could be ear mites but in my cats case it was sort of like post nasal drop, of the ears.

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  • golden_showers

    get a cat shampoo and wash him

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  • When I still lived with my mom we had a saussage dog who's ears would collect dirt frequently, too. We cleaned his ears out as often as he let us, but he would bite us most of the time.

    A few years after getting him we got a puppy to keep him company and the puppy developed a habit of licking his ears clean so now my mother doesn't have to do it anymore and luckily, the puppy's ears don't collect wax at all.

    Take your kitty to the vet and see what they have to say. It may be a kitten thing and he might grow out of it, but the vet will know what's up with that. Goodluck and congrats on the cute kitty! I love black cats.

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