Is it normal that my cat likes her hair tugged?

She bites me, so I figured if she finds it okay to bite, she would probably like her hair pulled. She meows as expected and let's me tug away without resistance. She usually bites when she doesn't like something. I ask you; IIN?

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Comments ( 5 )
  • TehPurpleOne

    This is why I get annoyed with people who post anything that has to do with animals. 'Cause everyone freaks out and is like, "DIE, ONE WHO HARMS ANIMALS, DIE!!"

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  • Miterro

    Cats nerves are different than a humans was the implication of my argument actuallly. My argument being, a cat bite to a cat would be a good gesture in some cases, as it is with nhumans. I've tugged her hair; stopped; started petting her again. When I start petting. Her, she motions me to tug at her again at times. So I'm inclined to believe that she enjoys it.

    Mind you, im not tugging hard, its a light pull, really not trying to rip her hair out, lol. Also, she's never bitten me to be vicious, just to get my attention or while petting her for a really long time.

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    • Miterro

      Umm... Im sorry. I reread my post, 'She usually bites when she doesn't like something.'

      I'm not sure why I wrote it like that. I wasn't accounting all of the other instances where she bites- _-;;. So you did, infact, beat my original argument.

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  • It's a cat, it doesn't like it and you are being cruel.

    It's a cat's nature to bite and scratch at times, it's not a normal human nature to want to do something back to the poor cat...

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  • dappled

    Fatal flaw in your argument: why would something bad being done to you imply that you like to do bad things to others?

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