Is it normal that my cat likes my fluffy blanket a little bit too much?

I have two male cats who have both been neutered a while back. Every time i have the fluffy side of my blanket up they ,uhm, try to mate with it. They will have it out. Sometimes while I'm cuddiling with them they will have it out aswell. Once i had a friend over and my cat got some disgusting smelling liquid on her blanket. She doesn't let my cat cuddle with her anymore bc of that lol. Do i have to go to the vet or are they just in heat? Pls help its so gross

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Comments ( 4 )
  • ospry

    Show me on the doll where the dog and/or cat hurt you

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  • noid

    Neutered male cats have never been nor will ever be in heat, Lol.

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    • Oh.

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      • noid

        Female cats that have not been spayed come in heat. And then unneutered males want to mate with them.

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