Is it normal that my cat rubs her butt across the floor like a dog?
She doesn't do it often, but it just got me wondering because I've seen dogs do this all the time but never a cat.
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She doesn't do it often, but it just got me wondering because I've seen dogs do this all the time but never a cat.
My Aunt Kathy isn't a vet or a chef, but she DOES drag her ass across the floor...Therefore, as her nephew, I can tell you that it's because her worms' fleas have hemorrhoids.
Dog's do that when they need their anal glands squeezed. Never had a cat...but i assume it's something similar
Yes, cats can and do definitely do this, the same as dogs. If it's once in a great while, I wouldn't worry too much. If it's more often, as in a few times a week or even a few times a day, I would definitely go to a veterinarian.
It could be something as simple as having swallowed a long strand of string or human hair that isn't "passing" well (this could be potentially serious if she got a large amount, which could cause severe blockages that may require emergency surgery to remove), or something like irritated or impacted anal glands, or a bad worm infestation (nearly all cats and dogs get worms from nursing from their mothers, even if the mother has been dewormed!) or any number of other reasons.
Then again, my mother has an obese beagle who can't reach to "clean" herself, and has developed the unpleasant habit of scooting her butt in a circle until it's bald and callused, which, after a trip to the vet, has been confirmed as indeed nothing more than a habit due to her immense weight. Still, always better to be safe than sorry!
I think animals are small creatures so unique,different and special in their own way. A way we will not understand but we'll always love them! (:
My one cat is extremely overweight and can't reach certain places on her gigantic body, so sometimes she drags her ass on the floor.
Is your cat overweight?
i lie how they think it normal for animal to whipe its ass on the floor, Its not really normal for the pet to use the carpet as toilet paper FYI
Maybe she has an itch...? Idk can't cats get an itch every once in awhile?
:\ geeze my aunt kathy is a vet, i bet you that cat has a month or two to live tops less you take it to the vet to be put down in peace..
It's urgent go see a vet stat! my brother died of worms go to the vet and get dee wormed! P's I'm a cat! MEOW!
This is what dogs do when they have worms. It means her butt is itching. Get her checked.
She does to it after she poops so I'm guessing she's wiping her ass lol. Docs says nothings wrong with her. Just a weird behavoir.
It usually means that she's marking her territory. In dogs, it could be because of that or because their anal sacs are swollen. Take your cat to the doctor if it concerns you.