Is it normal that my church doesnt want talk to me.

I know im not the holyest person. But whenever i want to talk to someone in my church they tell me "ill pray for you" or "god knows" or "all you need is god in your life"

Are they trying to avoid a solid answer? Is this normal for chirch people?

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49% Normal
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Comments ( 15 )
  • I'll pray for you.

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    • rastax336

      You god damn troll

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  • Karmasbitch

    Church, there's the problem.

    Anytime, man.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Maybe you could switch churches? Then again, if what you're trying to talk to people about is intensely personal people might be trying to discourage conversation because it makes them uncomfortable. Is there a way you could make an appointment to speak to the priest or minister about your problem?

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  • sunnymom

    They are definitely backing off from whatever it is that you want to talk about. There are probably other churches where people are more open to talking about your interests or questions.

    The world isn't fair or even nice and just about every spiritual person has to find a way to accept and deal with that. I like listening to how people decided to believe about those things even if I don't agree with their belief.
    I decided that God is in charge of everything, both good and bad and there is a reason for all of it. That reason is a good one and my brain is just too small to wrap around the answers. Without that I was blazing angry about how the world is. Now I just look for what I can do to make the world a better place one day at a time.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Depends on what you are telling them. Unfortunately, some church goers live sheltered lives so going in there with real world issues that they have yet to experience may be throwing them a curve ball that they are unable to handle. In addition to that, some of them appear to live sheltered lives to keep up appearances, so to give you answers from a personal perspective may degrade their image in the church.

    To me, it sounds like you may be going to the wrong church.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I am not surprised at all. Some churches (branches) dissuade against free thought, so to speak. Of course, it might also depend on what you are trying to converse about. I think you should try going to a Unitarian place of worship. Unitarianism welcomes different types of religions into one place of worship. It better allows for open mindedness and learning. You should be able to find someone who is more willing to talk to you about things.

    I went to a Unitarian church once, back when I still followed Christianity, and it really wasn't that bad. The only thing I hated was that in the middle of the service there was an introduction for new faces. I fucking hate being the centre of attention! However, I am not sure if this sort of thing is done in all Unitarian churches or if it was just at the one I went to.

    I remember I used to go to a Episcopal Church and I did give some hard hitting, though frowned upon, questions to the "closeted" priest. She was the second lesbian priest they at had at the church. Something that boggles my mind: The church struggled with a lack of people and children. They were a few gay couples there. Why didn't they broadcast themselves as being a LGBT-friendly place of worship? I am sure that their "issue" would have been taken care of. No, this is not the hard hitting question I asked. I asked about the hypocrisy of Christianity towards Judaism.

    For instance, the Catholic church used to kidnap non-christian children from their families and force them to convert to Catholicism. These Catholics tricked their families. They, against their wishes, would baptist the children. During that time it was illegal for a non-Catholic family to raise children who had been baptized Catholic, even if these children were biologically theirs. Many of the children never were reunited with their families.

    The other thing I brought up was Christians and their anti-Semitic views. Views which are hypocritical and ignorant considering the fact that their beloved Jesus was originally a Jew. So, were the Virgin Mary and Joseph, Moses, etc. Yet, this is often ignored/overlooked.

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  • handsignals

    They don't have any real answers that will help you so they just say 'Jesus loves you' and shit. Stop wasting your life going to church and go out and live life.

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  • AngelofMercy

    Be warned, These people should not be trusted. I do not know what kind of Church you attend, but ususally these people are the biggest liars, and cheats of all. They say one thing. Yet do another. Especially So called Christians. For Ive have seen them do the most horrible things of any other people I know.

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  • thegypsysailor

    You should take it as a revelation that church and church people are hypocritical and shallow people. They preach one thing but rarely act as if they actually believed the doctrine.
    Run, run fast and far and you will have a better, and certainly more rewarding life, free from the hypocrisy of organized religion.

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  • GreatArt

    Church-goers are fatalistic, reply I'll pray for you too..

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  • richardbturgid

    If I saw you at church I would have something way more positive than that to say. I would also try to help you in a practical way such as meeting a real need, spending time with you, or maybe even giving you a massage... That's my perspective on how the church should treat people, especially those in their people who are struggling or are forgotten by society.

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  • JaxX

    They dont have answers. Christian mythology is some of the most far fetched. Ancient greek is more fun if your looking for a crock of crap to give you hope.

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  • Royalburden

    Don't bother with it mate. Christians are nutjobs.

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  • loopoo

    Your life would be so much more better without any form of religion.

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