Is it normal,that my crush stopped talking to me for a week?

Well,problem is,that my crush told me,that he likes me veryvery much,we talked every day,until one week,when he didn't talk to me at all,And now he's talking to me normally again.
Is it normal?
Is he lost intrest in me?

Voting Results
64% Normal
Based on 58 votes (37 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • karmasAbich

    I am the same way a lot of the time. Try focusing on training your thoughts to percieve the good in you, not the bad. I know it is easier said than done. But just keep telling yourself that no one is better than you. Because no one is better than you.

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  • karmasAbich

    Sometimes people just feel they need to back off. Especially if they are unsure about how the person on the opposite end feels about them. Don't fret, I am sure it is fine.

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  • GothamCityDiva

    Yes it's normal for people with lives. He may have been too busy to talk to you. It is also possible that he may have lost interest. Or perhaps he is just playing hard to get.

    Honestly the best answer will come from him. So ask him!

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    "And now he's talking to me normally again. "

    It sounds like you're reading too much into things.

    Likely he was busy. Stop worrying so much if he's talking to you.

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