Is it normal that my dad looks at websites where you can book prostitutes?

I often catch my Dad watching porn or similar things. My parents are married for 25 years and barely have sex. I know that because would hear them since they're room is above mine. My mom also knows that he watches porn, but I think she has no problem with it and I also think it is pretty normal after being married for 25 years. Tonight my mom was working (as very often) and I went down to the kitchen because I was hungry. Our House is very open and we have a computer, which is for the whole family (mostly only my dad uses it). The point is that i saw my dad sleeping in front of it (he falls asleep very fast and also he had to work very much the last two days) and a website was opened. At first I couldn't see anything near from it but then I saw that it was a page where you could I think book prostitutes and he also had an account and people from our city where suggested (not only women but also men). I looked the website up and I saw that you also have to pay for it. I'm afraid that he has sex with these people and my mom doesn't know anything. I don't blame him for looking at that but why does he not just watch normal porn or is this normal to look at sites like these?

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Boojum

    I suggest you leave your parents to work out the sexual side of their relationship however they see fit.

    As long as it has no direct impact on your life, who they may choose to have sex with is none of your business.

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    • I know I just don't want him to cheat on my mom so she gets hurt. I always thought they really love each other and always wished I could find love like they did. For me that my dad cheats on my mom it's really hard for me to still belive that I will ever find someone who loves and respects me.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Im not saying this would even happen but the worst case scenerio could be if you told your mom and it lead to their divorce and then your father holding a grudge against you. You would feel like shit and blame yourself. I wouldn't tell her. And thr chances are she already knows more than you think anyway.

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  • fatok

    a man can masturbate for only so long. If mom can't please him sexually he should look elsewhere

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  • trexagireve

    The man doesn't have any sex, so if you are not to help him with that just leave him alone to do it this way

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  • RoseIsabella

    Your dad sounds like a dirtbag.

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