Is it normal that my dad makes the house messy on purpose ?

Is it normal that i think that my dad makes te house messy on purpose , like leaving his shoes infront of the door (inside ) putting his jacket in the room were visitors come to visit ,among other things ?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • GamerVoice

    I hate slobs , tell your dad he is a fucking slob. Tell him to clean up or get out of your house , if he acts up put him in a headlock and make him tap out by saying '' 'I'm a slob! I'll stop being a slob!" If he gives you lip after just bang your mom infront of him.

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  • TheBlueMonster

    It's not totally abnormal to be disorganized, but it appears that your father is taking this to a bit of an extreme. I would suggest that you and the rest of your family discuss the issue with him, as it seems that this issue has been causing some conflict. However, do try to be understanding, especially if your father is on the older side, as Alzheimer's is unfortunately a possibility. Try to figure out why he's like this, and when and how this behavior developed.

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    • he doesn't suufer from alzhheimer (thank god ! ) , but i think it's more like a psycological issue . His mother is te opposite she's a neat freak , she is extremly neat and tidy to the point of it became a sickness ,so in both cases it's a sickness , only i prefer the neat and tidy sickness over the untidy , unorganized , messy (not wanting to get rid of things ) , ruening new things ,bringing and keepingg tacky things, and breaking new things (not on purpose though ) one .

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  • Like one time my mom told him to take her jackets to the tailor to fix tem , so he told her to put them in the guest room , she didnt want to put them there , so he got angry and told her you annoy me , put them there there are no guest coming today .He fixes things by using scotchtape and doesnt care how ugly they look , even when others tell him they look ugly (the things thhat have scotch tape on ).He adds stuff like plastic bas in jars where there is nuts , because he thinks that the nuts spoil the jars (isn't the purpose of the jars to put the nuts neatly in a jar ?!) He makes things uglier , messier .

    Most of the mess in the house comes from him .

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  • Shackleford96

    Why do you suspect that he is doing it on purpose?

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    • yesterday he told me that my Grandmother (his mother ) doesn't want to bring a dishwasher to her house , because she likes the dishes to be super clean , then he told me in our house it's okay if the dishes aren't that clean !.

      He would throw something in the garbage that's in the kitchen with his hands inside the garbage then he would open the fridge or hold a glass or a mug or food , and he didn't wash his hands.

      He would fix things by putting scotchtape on them to fix them instead of fixing them properly.

      He would stick the stickers that are on the food like food labels on the walls .

      He would make the house messy , by having lots of things not in thier place .

      His underwear shirt usually have holes in them .

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      • Shackleford96

        His behavior sounds pretty strange to me.

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