Is it normal that my doctor thinks my period pain isnt serious?

I'd like to think I have a large pain tolerance considering I grew up as an athlete, yet I get horrible period cramps that are painful enough to make me faint. I have mentioned the pain to my doctor countless times, but he always brushes it off saying it's normal and that there is nothing he can do to help me. He always makes me feel silly for even mentioning it. I understand the fainting episodes (I am quite tall and skinny), but the cramps? Sometimes I just breathe and it's painful enough to have me screaming. I'm usually kept up all night from the pain and so drugged up with pain meds that I'm way too exhausted to continue with my normal day-to-day life. No other females in my family get pain this bad, and my mother and sister don't get any pain at all. I doubt I have endometriosis as I've had ultrasounds on my stomach before (for different medical reasons), so surely they would have caught it if I did?? Is it normal for doctors to not take period pain seriously?

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Comments ( 9 )
  • JellyBeanBandit

    Get a new doctor

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  • RoseIsabella

    It's time to get a second opinion!

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  • BlindSpot

    It came up on my IG feed and this is a real issue, where doctors tend to downplay the pain of women, often dismissing it as emotional and this is how many women go undiagnosed for very serious conditions. It's a real struggle out there for women, but keep trying to get your point across that the pain you are experiencing isn't normal and try to get a second opinion.

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    • charli.m

      This. Particularly male doctors in regards to menstrual issues.

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  • JD777

    You need a second opinion AND a new doctor. Any doctor that makes fun of a patient in pain is not a doctor you want.

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  • This was super relatable sounds like what I deal with and I got a ultrasound the jelly kind to check for endo and things seemed fine but they can’t tell exactly without the wand because it won’t show up the jelly way for some reason. I don’t think the ultrasound went far enough up to really see my stomach so I’m not sure how far they got on yours. I’d get second opinions with another doctor cause he don’t seem to know anything it isn’t normal and definitely not silly to bring up. Going on birth control was something I had to do when I was 13 and I went right back on it and been on ocella for a few years it helps reduce some pain and regulate the flow better and even tho on this I feel like I’m being stabbed constantly it’s still not as bad as when I’m off it. If that’s something you may wanna consider it helps some I can now show up to work and get through the day without fainting.

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  • Your doctor thinks you’re just a kid looking for drugs. If he doesn’t respect that you’re in pain? For fucks sake get a new doctor.

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  • IrishPotato

    Find another doctor.

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  • Ellenna

    That sounds like endometrosis: please find another doctor who can refer you to a gyneocologist if necessary.

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