Is it normal that my doctor thinks my period pain isnt serious?
I'd like to think I have a large pain tolerance considering I grew up as an athlete, yet I get horrible period cramps that are painful enough to make me faint. I have mentioned the pain to my doctor countless times, but he always brushes it off saying it's normal and that there is nothing he can do to help me. He always makes me feel silly for even mentioning it. I understand the fainting episodes (I am quite tall and skinny), but the cramps? Sometimes I just breathe and it's painful enough to have me screaming. I'm usually kept up all night from the pain and so drugged up with pain meds that I'm way too exhausted to continue with my normal day-to-day life. No other females in my family get pain this bad, and my mother and sister don't get any pain at all. I doubt I have endometriosis as I've had ultrasounds on my stomach before (for different medical reasons), so surely they would have caught it if I did?? Is it normal for doctors to not take period pain seriously?