Is it normal that my doctor won't help me?
My doctor laughed at me when I asked for help. What should I do? Is this normal?
Recently I've had some concerns for my health such as my ongoing Asthma, knee and back problems so visiting the doctor's has sort of become a weekly routine for me. But about a week ago I went to the doctors to ask if my GP could/would help me with my diet as all I eat is Pizza with the occasional Chinese takeaway and fried eggs, as well as only drinking Coke and Rockstar.
I was expecting some sort of general nutritional intake advice and a leaflet on being healthy at the very least, but all I got was an utter joke. So I was sat there with a bunch of questions on my mind, hesitatingly I told my doctor I was concerned for my health and I need a diet plan since I've never eaten anything but junk food; I need proper guidance in what to eat and how much to eat etc.
She said to me "You're young" (I'm 18 btw) "Ask your mum to help you with it, I'm sure she'll give you good advice on what to watch." Then she laughed to herself and said "Is that all?" First things first, my mum Is healthier than me but not by far. I don't need a 45 year old woman's diet plan(?) I need a proper one that fit's me and after looking on the NHS website I found out that I can ask my GP to help me be healthy/lose weight so I thought sure what the hell.
What should I do? I don't understand counting calories and I've never been taught what to eat and what nutrients I need. (I wasn't taught any life lessons by family or anyone tbh I had/still have to figure them out by myself.) Should I give it up? Is this even normal?
P.S I really tried to keep it short, sorry if it came off as a story. (I do creative writing alot._.)