Is it normal that my dog cries like a human

I have a catahoula dog that I love very much. Catahoulas are extremely caring, companionate dogs. They look for people to latch onto at a very young age and then stay by them thoroughly. Some think it is because of the Native American life style they evolved from. Eating, sleeping, hunting and working, always with their masters.

Anyway, my dog and I have always been close and he is always staring at my face and watching me do things. He also tries to grab me with his paws when he wants attention. Sometimes I get busy and ignore him for a while or even snap at him when he's being to clingy. He will the start crying. Like a full out human cry.

Sniffling, then whimpering. Not like a dog, like a human hiccuping when they cry. Then trembling and finally, actual tears rolling down his puppy face. I feel awful every time and hug him and he eventually calms down and hauls all 100lbs of himself on my lap while he sniffles and whines. He usually falls asleep after that.

Can dogs cry? Is he faking after years of seeing people cry? Are dogs smart enough to fake cry? He seems so sincere and I'm just baffled.

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60% Normal
Based on 5 votes (3 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • xneonkittyx

    When my dog is sad or upset he makes his eyes get all watery and makes it look like he is crying.

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  • Jack_Frost

    My bichon once cried kinda like a little girl when I accidentally dropped her as a puppy

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  • SpookyPancake

    Dogs can't fake cry, because they can't physically cry like humans. Go to the vet, just to be sure everything is ok.

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  • sydslytherin

    Dogs cannot physically cry, so he must have figured out some way to mimic a human crying, but in any case, it's really odd and cool

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  • RoseIsabella

    I dunno, because I've never had a Catahoula dog. I used to have a Shetland Sheepdog who was my heart, and she would howl when I left the house. Sounds like you have a very sweet, sensitive and soft tempered companion there.

    Be good to your doggie dog and you'll have a loyal friend for life! Sadly I lost my beautiful blue merle Sheltie in a divorce. I left that piece of shit cheating bastard in 2001 and I still miss my precious Sheltie to this day even though she's probably been dead for years.


    A good dog or cat more precious than any human companionship. Remember that dog is God spelled backwards.

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    • Godfrey

      I'm so sorry about your beautiful dog! That sounds horrible! My sister lost her catahoula when she was hit by a car and she cried for days. She said it felt like a human died. She even told me she would have cut off her hand to have that dog back... So yes, I love my dog very much and I appreciate him everyday.

      Well if you ever decide you want another sweet companion I do highly recommend catahoulas. Mine was kinda 'Just a dog' for a while, playing, running, doing bad things. But one day he looked at my face and like, woke up? He looked so deeply at my face and rose his eyebrows and I think he finally really learned I was another critter. He then proceeded to roll all over me and yip in a way he had never done before. He has been by my side ever since. They are such amazing dogs <3

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