Is it normal that my dog frequently pees on the floor of my bedroom?

I am the owner of a hound dog that is 5 years old. I trained the dog to go to the bathroom outside when it was a couple months old. However, for the past six months my dog has been peeing on the floor in my bedroom. Last week, I woke up and stepping in a puddle of urine that he been deposited next to my bed. My dog has been doing this several times a week lately.

I don't know what my dog's deal is, but it keeps using my bedroom floor as a urinal and it's getting to the point at which I may have the dog put to sleep. :(

is it normal for my dog to pee all over my bedroom floor?

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44% Normal
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Comments ( 18 )
  • You are seriously considering putting your dog to sleep because it inconveniences you by peeing on the floor? Are you fucking kidding me? If you don't want him, just give him up for adoption you heartless prick. I have an appointment to euthanize my elderly and sickly dog tomorrow so pardon me if I am overly sensitive.

    I have eight animals and often have to clean up pee and poop on the floor. It really pisses me off, so I get you. I would try letting it outside more often, shampooing and cleaning your carpets to help rid of any smells that could trigger it to pee in your room, and lastly, try setting out a pee pad. I am not a dog behavior expert, but there ya go. If that doesn't work, and you simply cannot deal with the peeing, then give him up for adoption and let someone nicer grace his life.

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    • Rick_Bawls

      Nobody is going to adopt a dog that pees on the floor! Even if I were to give my hound dog to the dog pound, I have to believe that the dog pound will probably put him down anyway.

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      • How can you say "nobody"? You do not know that. Stop being a pessimistic bitch, dude. If you put him to sleep, then yeah, no one will, and there will not even be a chance. At least give him the opportunity to find a better home. I hate arguing online so there's my rant. Don't expect another reply.

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  • BreadBox

    Is this a behavior your dog started out of nowhere? Then OF COURSE IT ISNT NORMAL. Go to a Vet and get the UTI taken care of. It's less money than euthanizing. Do all other dogs a favor and don't get another one. I'm appalled at your way of "fixing" a problem.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    dawgs be living in the moment. they aint knowin that yall hitting on them is cause of the piss. they probly scared or mad cause yall beatin on em for no good reason

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  • BishyWishy243

    Its marking its territory. Its no longer your bedroom.

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  • college

    A sudden change in a dog's behavior may point to a medical problem, so I'd suggest saving some cash and having a vet do a physical. I'd also take the dog out frequently, this part is a pain in the ass, it's like potty training all over again, but your dog's life is worth it. Lastly -- and this is just my opinion -- peeing on the floor is no where near a legitimate reason to have a dog euthanized. If it becomes a serious problem, give your dog to the local pound or someone who can take care of him/her.

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  • ScreechPowers

    I wonder if you somehow did something to anger the dog?

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  • cupcake_wants

    I had 2 puppies that had to unlearn their potty habits they established since puppyhood & it was hard, but what worked for both is whenever they had an accident, I show them their mess but not rubbing their nose in it! But scolding them "bad girl!!!!" And by 2 times it worked permanently for good

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  • misanthropeUK

    You're obviously CRAZY and don't deserve any dog at all if you want to KILL IT, because it pees on the floor! You're CRAZY!!!

    The way you think it seems obvious that you don't care for the dog properly and that's why it's peeing. Do you take it out to pee before it goes to bed?

    Don't let it sleep in your bedroom; put its bed in the hall, bathroom or kitchen. I bet you don't clean the carpet properly anyway, because you're a hillbilly scank from the way you write. So if your carpet stinks of pee then of course a dog will pee there.

    Take your dog to the pound for rehoming and they will care for it./ If your dog has a bladder or kidney issue I bet you're not going to check it at a vet and if you did you wouldn't pay for it to be cured seeing as you want to KILL IT - so give the dog away to someone who cares and get yourself a stuffed toy pet instead.

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  • Hedgehug95

    It's not normal that you didn't train him properly to do it outside. Though it's better to train them as puppies, don't give up on your dog. Even if it's incontinance there is very effective medication that could help your dog. If its not just be patient and walk him more or let him out more often. But please don't give up on him.

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  • Rick_Bawls

    I tried spanking the dog after I noticed the piss, but that didn't seem to have any effect at all on its behavior. I may have to put the dog down. Stepping in a piss-soaked puddle on my carpet several times a week is no fun at all!

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    • ScreechPowers

      I was hanging out at the truck stop last night and ran into a trucker who experienced exactly what you have written. He said that he also began urinating in the same spot and even took a dump there once. This "marked the territory" for him and the dog stopped peeing where he wasn't supposed to. Just a suggestion but this might work for you.

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    • ScreechPowers

      Hound Dogs don't like being spanked. It may pee on you one day soon. I agree, take it to your vet. I can't afford a vet so I take my cat to my local bicycle repair man who knows a lot about animals. I asked some people at the truck stop I hang out at they agreed that you must have annoyed your dog somehow.

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      • robbieforgotpw

        There is much wisdom at the truck stop. Do u spend the night there often?

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    • RoseIsabella

      Talk to your vet about this problem!

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  • noid

    Take it out more often and give a treat when it goes outside.

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  • moomus

    I don't know if it's normal I your circumstances as I know nothing of the age and health of your dog. However clean the carpet with white vinegar so the dog doesn't smell the piss and go back to do it again. It probably goes there as it's taught himself that that's the place to go as it smells of him

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