Is it normal that my dog is 3 months and still pees

and craps in the house? She does not go to the door when she has to go. She will pee/ poo outside when I time it right and take her out but still does not give us any indication when she needs to go. Any advice?

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Comments ( 16 )
  • It's normal for a filthy, fuckin' dog to pee and crap in the house when they're 3 YEARS OLD. If you don't want to put up with piss and crap, get a cleaner animal.

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  • chicabonita

    My dogs 1 year old and still craps everywhere. She's a yorkie and has a squirel size brain. Ya some dogs are stupid.

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  • blackjackWIFE

    Wow. Amazing how harsh and rude people can be. Like the others said, patience is key. Everytime they wake up, play for a period of time, or after they eat-right outside. After about 4 months, my pup didn't even know going inside was an option. Good luck!

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  • sherry

    Use wee wee pads and crate train. He will start to go in a certain area. Put the pads in that spot. Mine started going to the door after 9 months. The crate is the easiest way. Don't let him run loose in the house.

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  • KlondikeSam

    She will pee and poop in the house for the rest of her life unless you train the bitch!

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  • NopeNotNormal

    My puppy would go outside, pee, come inside, pee again. So, out she went. Permanently.

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  • tori

    Your dog is still a baby. Give it time. They eventually don't like to pee where they live inside. My dog can hold it for about 10 hours without asking to go outside.

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  • littlegeorge14

    Here's the best advice I can give....maybe you've already heard it but I hope it helps

    1) Try to keep an eye on your pup at all times so you can catch him in the act. When you are unable to keep an eye on him, keep him in a confined a cozy kennel...small enough that he won't want to do his duty in there.

    2) Try to catch him in the process of squatting. Make a loud noise to stop him mid-stream...something short and sweet just to get his attention. DO NOT PUNISH HIM! I usually say "Hey!" Then say "Go Potty Outside" and immediately take him out to the grass and say "Go Potty" (or whatever phrase you like...just make sure you pick one and stick with it). Wait until he finishes his duty then give him LOTS AND LOTS of praise and a treat. If you just miss him in the act, still take him outside and do the same. If he doesn't do anything within 5 minutes take him inside.

    3) Every time he walks anywhere near the door, say "Go Outside" and let him out...even if he doesn't have to go and even if its every few minutes. It does get quite annoying for awhile, but you only have to do it until he begins to make a beeline for the door when he wants out. (It took my dog ~a couple weeks to get the idea.) When he starts to do this give him LOTS of praise before and after he goes out and even more praise and treat if he does his business out there.

    They key is lots of PATIENCE and lots of PRAISE

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  • kdblueeyes

    The last two puppies I helped train still had accidents up to a year. But at three months it is still normal to have problems with them in the house. If you notice them waking up, drinking water, or eating food you should take them out to get them to go outside. Reward when they got outside and scold/ignore when they go inside. Ignoring the dog after you scold reinforces the message that you are not happy with what they did. They are social animals that like approval in the form of attention.

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  • littlegeorge14

    3 months is still young. Some dogs just have a harder time than others. My dog is almost a year and 3 months and is FINALLY starting to control his bladder.

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  • Use a rolled up newspaoer

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    • corkie

      thats real mean

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  • Mine did too

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  • Meli

    Mine didn't either. We hit a major turning point though after we for him fixed. He still doesn't let us know he has to go but he'll hold it until we let him out

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  • do you use puppy pads? because my puppy still does that too. we thinks it's because there were too many pads all over the house and she got confused. be sure to play with it A LOT, because that gets their bowels moving. then, if it does happen to use the restroom outside, always carry a treat to give to it and praise A LOT!

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    • so_damn_unpretty

      I was also going to suggest pads! they work great. Also, you HAVE to scold them for it, I know it seems mean but you gotta. I was also told (by someone who is a vet and breeder) to push their face really close to their mess while your scolding them so they know exactly what they're in trouble for... although i found that part a little harsh and unnecessary.

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