Is it normal that my dog should have trouble seeing after surgery?
My dog was spayed a few days ago.
We have kept her exercise limited by advise of the vets and she was doing fine until today i was in the garden and she was on her chain.(we had the cat out in the yard for a while). I was walking towards the dog to let her off the chain, as the cat had be returned to the warmth of the house. As i was walking towards her she was not looking at me like she normally does it was as if she was looking at someone walking next to me. I thought it abit strange and considered maybe it was me who was not seeing straight.
Later on in the day me and my partner were playing frisby with her. My partner and the dog were standing about 4-5 metres away and i was holding the frisby and looked at the dog to make sure she was ready to catch. She was looking to my right as if again there was someone standing next to me. I moved my hand with the frisby out to the right, she was looking wide of that. Then i moved my hand and frisby to the left and she looked wide of that too. As if she were seeing double of me.
I made my partner do the same thing at the same distance just to make sure i was not seeing things. But the same thing happened.
Her eyes are slightly crossed eyed when she is doing this and i have never seen it before. She has trouble focusing on me when she is coming towards me from a distance. Her eyes go crossed and she looks side to side until she is within 3 feet of me then she sees me just fine. She is only 5 months old!!!
I read that a lady has had the same problem with her dog after being spayed and thinks it had something to do with the anesthetic and side affects.
Does anyone have any information on this. It is a long weekend and i cant get to the vets until tuesday and really want to know anything that anyone has on this.