Is it normal that my eyes blink?
Well is it? I thought it was but then I heard otherwise
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Well is it? I thought it was but then I heard otherwise
This is proof, you guys - the moderators are giraffes.
Remarkably dense giraffes.
Oh, FFS.....
Is it normal to ask such an uninteresting bs question? If you're gonna bs, at least make it..funny, relevant, something.
Um, it just occurred to me, you're not actually serious are you?
Of course, it's normal!
The eyes MUST blink otherwise they'll become dry and more prone to infection. Tears wash away particles like dust off the eyes. It's one of the body's defence systems.
NO! My god no! Of coarse it's not normal in the slightest! See a Doctor immediately, Gods speed my friend, I shall have you in my prayers.
Is it normal I blinked and discovered you're the biggest muppet in this universe???!
No. Your nictitating membrane should be able to keep your eyes clean and moist without your eyelids blinking. Go to the hospital immediately.
Hahahha! Hey! This sounds farmiliar. I realised one time my eyes kept closing and opening and closing and opening all day. See usually they are shut like when I'm sleeping they are always shhut bit when I wake up they just don't want to stay closed so I was worries that maybe they would dry out or something. And since when I was told I heard meat comes from animals. Iin that a pig had to die so I could get this hamburger?? Well is it huh
....Because of your question I had to bink a hundred times with nothing to say before I commented. *blink blink blink blink blink blink* Just a demonstration.