Is it normal that my eyes randomly unfocus?

Sometimes when I'm looking at something for a long time, my eyes will start to unfocus on their own. I have no problems focusing them again, but I have to make a conscious effort to do so until it eventually feels normal again. I wear glasses, but this happens with or without them on.

Voting Results
70% Normal
Based on 10 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • have_a_good_day

    Stay focused. Keep yo eyes on da prize and then anything is possible, nigga. Fahreal. That's what's up

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    • RoseIsabella


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  • That's a sign that you're thinking deeply, since they lose focus naturally enough to where you don't really notice it ex post facto

    This happens to me too, and I can usually recognize the change in my eyes if I'm comfortable enough. I see it as a sign I'm thinking clearly, like an "in the zone" effect

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  • Somenormie

    Somewhat normal.

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    • LloydAsher

      I mean your eyes are constantly refocusing on objects. Your eye muscles are the most used muscles in your body

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