Is it normal that my feet vibrate and somehow people can 'sense' it?

This sounds pretty damn weird, but everytime the mere thought of it comes to mind I can feel a vibration feeling under my feet. Then people look down at me then back up as if scanning me like I'm an alien. Then people tend to suddenly shake their legs and/or cross them and be all weird and shit. I'm sure you can all relate to this.

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Comments ( 12 )
  • Avant-Garde

    Does the vibration make a "sound"?

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    • Paranoidd

      Nope, no sound at all.

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      • Avant-Garde

        Perhaps, it gives off a "aura/vibe" that makes people uncomfortable?

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        • Paranoidd

          It just doesn't make any sense. I look at my feet when they vibrate, yet nothing seems out of the ordinary despite the annoying physical sensation. Yet others "sense" it right away.

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  • wasjusthinkin

    You can't control it? And your feet vibrate hard enough to make people feel it? Makes them uncomfortable, why? It's just your feet vibrating... I think it's interesting...and weird....I have no solution for you...Just that maybe you'll make some woman or man with a foot fetish very happy one day haha! ... Ya...weird. I don't know what tell ya.

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    • Paranoidd

      Yeah, like I said it happens when it crosses my mind which is quite often. No, my feet dont vibrate hard enough to simulate a very faint earthquake if that is what you are insinuating. Seriously, am I the only person who notices other people crossing their leg and weirdly shaking their foot? This is especially prominent in older people too. I feel like I'm insane since no one else has even thought about it. Like if you shake your legs, others will tend to follow suit.

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      • wasjusthinkin

        No your not insane. That does make since, and you're right.I do notice how when sometimes one person twrils a pencil the next person starts tapiong their fingers.. following the other without any notice.. Common...One more question. Do you move your foot like a drummer? Cause that's not weird at all. I do that. Or your feet are actually flat footed and vibrating?? Cause that's what i was thinking lol and that would just be interesting...

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        • Paranoidd

          I never noticed this chain reaction in anything else, really. And no, my feet, no matter what position, are vibrating. Or maybe tingling would be the more accurate term. It tends to vary. So yes, flat footed as well. I'm greatly puzzled as to why someone crossed his leg and literally swung it like a Viking ship, to describe it accurately.

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          • wasjusthinkin

            Lol That's a pretty intense leg cross...Maybe you just sent a wave of energy to to this guy...Maybe he just had a really bad twitch. Is this the only time you noticed someone reacting to your vibrations? lol ...Research is in order :)

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            • Paranoidd

              Not sure if this correlates to his annoyingly abnormal behavior, but I'm almost certain he was of gay descent. It was a long time ago, though I don't think I triggered him to do so. Don't you notice when people are randomly crossing their legs and shaking their feet for no damn reason? As weird as it sounds, someone has to bring this up. Everywhere I go, whether I'm sitting or standing, people react to my vibrating feet. They're sitting completely normal one moment, the next moment they look at me and then begins the weird behavior.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Do your feet smell?

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    • Paranoidd

      Nope, but people shake their legs and/or cross them like I said only when my feet vibrate - which happens usually when it accidentally comes to mind.

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