Is it normal that my foot's been aching since around 3:00 pm yesterday?

Yesterday, I went to a bouncy house place with my little sister and my friend. Due to my age, I thought I wouldn't be able to go on most of the houses since I'm 18. However, they let me do it with no consequences. Even though I was allowed, it was mostly 4 year olds running around, but that's expected. There was this one where a very shaky rope ladder went over a cushioned area, so if you fell you'd be caught. I'm terrified of things like that, but decided I wanted to give it a go. So, you have to step up on a little bouncy platform, then step on the ladder. I then realized that my feet would most definitely slip on all the parts. So, I changed my mind, and was about to go down from the platform.. I fell, but caught myself on the bouncy thing that separated my ladder from the other. I was relieved. That was a close one. In my relief, I ended up slipping, falling between a little bouncy crevice, and allllll the impact landed on my foot. PAIN. It hurt so much I actually cried a bit as my little sister looked on helplessly asking if I was ok. A staff member came by, lead me to a chair and gave me some ice. I was unable to go on any of the other bouncy things for the rest of the day. It was around 3:00 pm, and we left around an hour after my injury.
As I post this, it's 7:48 AM. I was assuming my foot would feel slightly better, but it's still sore. I'm worried that I might've injured something. I can still walk, but it feels uncomfortable and I always want to sit down when I do. Not to mention it only feels comfortable when I walk on the toe and not the heel. The top part of my foot feels like hell when it has pressure on it. Should I see a doctor, or am I just overthinking things and will it just go away if I give it more time?

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Comments ( 4 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    my backs been achin aince 1996

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  • charli.m

    It's probably just a sprain, but there is a possibility of a fracture or a torn/injured ligament or tendon. If you don't improve with rest, ice and compression, you might want to see someone.

    I had been walking on an injured foot for about 18mths. I eventually went to a useless podiatrist, about 6mths in. It got a bit better, but then got even worse, like to the point where it throbbed even when I wasn't on it, and I couldn't stand without crying. Went to a good podiatrist about 4-5mths ago. He got me an ultrasound and xray and found it was an inflamed tendon. 8 or so weeks of treatment twice a week and laser therapy. If I had managed it better in the first place, or not tried to just deal with it, maybe I could have saved myself the pain and money.

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    • Dangerine

      Yiiikes! That sounds like shit D:

      I'll keep that in consideration, thank you.

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      • charli.m

        Good luck, I hope you heal soon.

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