Is it normal that my friend has a phobia for pregnant women ..

hello guys !
so this new statistics teacher is pregnant and my friend gets disgusted looking at her ! she is like why is she touching her stomach ?? why is she teaching when she is pregnant ? i feel like puking looking at her ! i ask her a reason for why she gets disgusted .. she tells me that its like a germ in your body living inside you and i feel its disgusting .... i said its part of life and stuff she says so is pooping ..=____= she annoys me everyday about that pregnant teacher ! i have a felling shes having a syndrome or something ... i dont know .. is this normal ???

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25% Normal
Based on 51 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Dizzee

    I have a phobia of babies and that's just one step away from pregnancy.

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  • Mellifluous

    It's normal. Some women just don't like the thought of a little human growing inside them! And I guess the thought of it just disturbs your friend a little more than it does others.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Eh, I find it funny that people will praise sexual liberty because it's a natural urge, but reproduction is a natural urge as well and on this website and in many other facets of life, those same people that praise indulging in the former condemn indulging in the latter.

    Either way, it's normal. Some people do see pregnancy as a parasitic infection. But your friend needs to work on her negative attitude. People reproduce. It happens.

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    • i understand ! :)

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  • VioletTrees

    Your friend should see a doctor if this is really a phobia. If it's not, she should stop acting like such a douche.

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  • Kawazniak

    Phobia means ( basically to common users ) an EXTREME fear of something. And doctors have not listed pregnant women in so ... by default it's normal since it's not real and it's also not normal because it's not real.

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  • Purinsu

    I remember that i get freaked out by the idea of pregnant porn

    its something i find very sick and then to think of that you could be born out of it while your mom had a dick getting close to the unborn you

    There are people in this world to who this happened without knowing it themselve who knows maybe your friend is 1 of those who it happened to and is traumatised by the idea -only a possibility-

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  • wants2see

    I like fucking a woman who is big with child.

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  • emilydoll

    It's normal to have an opinion and I particularly don't like baby talk, like hearing about all the gross stuff like breasts milk and stuff, but if she is being bitter all the time it shows a reflection of herself, she should really keep that to herself. I get annoyed when people are bitter and distance myself.

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    • speaking of which ! she does talk about her parents O__O
      she hates her parents especially her dad :/

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    • i know !! i get annoyed every time she talks about it !

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