Is it normal that my friend is scared of public restroom toilets?

This is something she has had for years. She avoids bathrooms she's not familiar with like public restrooms or other peoples bathrooms, yet she has no problem using her own. She can't recall any kind of traumatizing event. She told me that she sees public restrooms and feels like they're some sort of threat to her even though she knows they can't hurt her. The toilets with black toilet seats, u shaped bowls, bidets, and the toilets with automatic flushing scare her. I remember when she bought her first house, she took her cat into the bathroom with her everyday until she got familiar with her new bathroom and not scared. Is this normal?

Voting Results
65% Normal
Based on 49 votes (32 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • smellypillowgirl

    I hate public toilets.

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  • Im_not_normal_and_I_know_it

    Is there a monster in the toilet? xD Go get 'em, kitty! =^.^=

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  • Wh0Ar3YoU

    Social anxiety disorder

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  • Yeah public toilets give you herpes.... at least that's what I told my bf

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    • iEatZombies_

      You know, as rare as it'd be, that can actually happen.
      How much would that suck? Gosh.

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  • DaemonWolf

    I've used enough public bathrooms in enough countries with enough mentally scarring 'weird shit' to expect the absolute worst when I nervously open the door to a bathroom stall.
    I am truly baffled by two things:

    1. Is it really that difficult to flush ..? Does it take that much of an effort to reach over to that handle/button and make their personal asshole excretions dissapear. Or do they have a sick sense of fun thinking about how someone else will encounter their bowel carved shit sculptures.

    2. A significant number of people seem to have worked out a sure fire way to block the toilet and do so everytime they push out a dookie. Heck I think they like to block the toilet even when they take a piss .. just for the fun of it.

    *Sigh* rant over.

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    I don't like them, just because you have no idea what kind of stuff is on them, but I will use them if I have too!

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  • Avant-Garde

    So do I. I only use them if I'm about to explode.

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  • dappled

    I had a childhood phobia too (as did my grandfather, oddly enough). I still avoid them more than other people but I'm nowhere near phobic any more. Despite suffering it, I really can't offer any advice.

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  • smartpatrol11

    I thought it may be just because of the germs in there but this is a more serious phobia she maust have had some toilet trauma when very small. Maybe a hypnotherapy session might help

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  • wasteman

    i think it isnt normal cos thier the same as your one at home justa bit smellier and more toilets

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  • Sometimes when i use them i just piss all over the toilet, floor and walls. Though i wasn't impressed when i went into one once and some bright spark had spread shit all over the mirror!

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