Is it normal that my friend isn't over his ex?
My friend isn't over his ex and that he gets super jealous about her and her new boyfriend. I tried to have him forget her but to no avail and sometimes he'll just say how she hasn't stopped thinking about her and the way he looks at her new boyfriend is more of a sorta angry type thing and how he'll go stopping the new boyfriend so that he could see her again. I know there's a saying that relationships don't last for long whereas in some cases it will last long depending on the person but in this one I'm talking about probably didn't last long I can't say because I stay out of these things.
The other part I'm slightly bothered the most is how he'll also DM her over and over again.
Not sure if you can relate and if you've got a friend like this but I'm just worried about my friend and I want him to be permanently over her and I really want him to stop having this extremely jealous mentality.