Is it normal that my friend isn't over his ex?

My friend isn't over his ex and that he gets super jealous about her and her new boyfriend. I tried to have him forget her but to no avail and sometimes he'll just say how she hasn't stopped thinking about her and the way he looks at her new boyfriend is more of a sorta angry type thing and how he'll go stopping the new boyfriend so that he could see her again. I know there's a saying that relationships don't last for long whereas in some cases it will last long depending on the person but in this one I'm talking about probably didn't last long I can't say because I stay out of these things.

The other part I'm slightly bothered the most is how he'll also DM her over and over again.

Not sure if you can relate and if you've got a friend like this but I'm just worried about my friend and I want him to be permanently over her and I really want him to stop having this extremely jealous mentality.

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43% Normal
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Comments ( 16 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Your friend is unwell.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    I never understood having feeling for your ex, the very second I think you don't care for me I lose all positive feelings for you.

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    • iEatZombies_

      If you view people as possesions, you don't consider their feelings.

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      • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

        I don't get what you're implying. Are you saying they see me as possessions because they don't care for me anymore, or are you saying I see them as possessions because I refuse to care for someone who doesn't care for me?

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    Why the hell would you date someone who's obsessing ovrr someone else? Is shows little self respect and he has very little respect for you if he's telling you that he thinks about her all the time.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Not trying to be a grammar nazi but you need to add more periods. Some of that was hard to understand. Its a run on sentence.

    And there's nothing you can do. You're either a jealous person or you're not. Jealous people can be very annoying to date and try to micro manage your life. Its a good thing she dumped him it sounds like.

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    • It probably was a good thing for her to leave him and I'll go leave him to go weep all he wants.

      Also does it mean that jealous people never change? If so then you're right there's nothing I can really do at this point.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Yeah i think you cant change if you're really jealous youre just reallly jealous.

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  • Menacingduck

    Stupidity. You're not off the hook either.

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  • kikilizzo

    Its normal to have a hard time getting over your ex, to think about your ex and to maybe send one or two DMs shortly after the breakup.
    Its not normal to keep talking about them all the time long after the breakup, or to send them DMs if they do not respond. That is stalkerish and obsessive behaviour.

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  • Unknown_player

    Have you asked yourself why YOU want him to stop reminiscing over her?

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    • Sorry for the late reply but the reason was because he kept talking about it to a point where I really wanted him to stop it.

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  • bbrown95

    Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do. You can't control other people, and typically when someone is extremely infatuated with someone, they tend to have to get over that in their own time. It's typically only a phase and will happen, but it usually isn't changed much by outside influence.

    It's really weird that he's messaging her when she's in a new relationship though, and shows he not only has no respect for her new relationship, but also likely that he's in la-la land about where he stands in her life. That's pretty sad, but also concerning, though again, there's not really anything you can do about it. You can tell him you don't think it's a good idea, but he may not choose to listen to you, or may even get upset with you.

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    • At that point I've already left him after giving him an option to back away and jump into reality by seeing its a terrible idea but he never did.

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      • bbrown95

        Unfortunately, if he won't take your advice, there isn't anything more you can do. It sounds like he's going to have to move past it on his own terms, and hopefully the obsession doesn't spiral out of control any more than it already has.

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  • Meowypowers

    I care so much for my ex, but no one else cares.

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