Is it normal that my friend make really weird food combis?

My friend has some really strange habits, but the strangest is that he combines foods together that should not be put together. Here some examples: Coke+Choclates filled with caramel, Dr.Pepper+Reeces Cups, Coke+Skittles, Chicken Nuggets+Whipped Cream+Choclate sauce.

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60% Normal
Based on 35 votes (21 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • Murun

    Try melting cheese over banana slices on toast.
    Delicious combination!

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  • Keepsake

    If you mean mixing them all in a cup - not really common.
    Not a big deal as long as he eats them and doesn't let them go to waste.

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    • PrinceOfLight

      Yes, all in one cup

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