Is it normal that my friends try to talk me out of living in my van?

I love my van and it feels like home. I clean by ways of a wash basin and I eat on the go or cook on my engine/hotplate. They keep trying to get me to buy an apartment or move in with them.

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78% Normal
Based on 37 votes (29 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • I see you've got a computer in your van.

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    Hey, if that is what makes you happy then go for it. You have to realize though, that not many people could be happy like that. Your friends will try and talk you out of it because they don't understand why you do it.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Being different scares people. If you are not like them they will want to change you, because your differences make them suspect that you might be right and their way is not.
    Before I bought my first boat at 22, I lived and traveled in a VW van. Winter in Squaw Valley, summer in Death Valley.
    Then I got smart and bought a boat. Then and I could go anywhere on earth that the oceans touched.
    That was over 44 years ago and I still live on a boat, presently anchored in Prickly Bay, Grenada.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    I live in a van down by the river.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Your friends are being rude. It's your business where you live as long as you properly are able care for yourself, it should be fine.

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  • DollyBoots

    Omg!!! I love Jeff!!!!!! Hahaha <333

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  • jondoerandom

    Are you Jeff from American dad?

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  • SHIT!As long as you don't have to panhandle to takecare of your needs,then fuckin GO FOR IT! and tell all the JEALOUS BITCHES/BASTARDS to FUCK OFF!I've lived on the streets for nearly 2yrs at one point myself,and as long as you can find a area where the cops and others won't bother/harrass you,I say it's a great way of life myself.FUCK what the hell anybody else thinks.

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  • davesumba

    my friend lived in his car. he smelled very bad and didn't wash his clothes or shower as often as he should've. very un sanitary. and multiple times he got confronted by cops when he'd be sleeping in his coupe at night. although if you end up showering once a day, and don't wear your shirts and underwear more than once per wash, i could see how it'd be fun and okay living in a van.

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  • dappled

    When I was walking home one day this week, I was thinking about how my life might be improved by living in a VW Camper. I'd have to learn to drive (and convert it to use bio-ethanol) but I'd save a fortune in rent and could live in any neighbourhood I wanted day to day.

    You're living the dream. Good for you.

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    • dirtybirdy

      I used to want a VW camper and a faithful four-legged companion to drive around the country selling handmade crap. I'm 'knot' a hippie either! Haha I never did it of course

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      • dappled

        It sounds like a great life to me. We should both buy one! I know there's a few places you'd like to see. What better than being able to live there for a few days. :)

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        • dirtybirdy

          Yessss!! I want to see the views from the cliffs! I'll ferry over now!

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  • NotFloydzie

    How do you shower?

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    • Ghoster

      Sometimes I use the gym showers or I use the tin tub in my van which is nice sized.

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