Is it normal that my girlfriend is afraid of the dark, even at 18?

My girlfriend gets really freaked at night, so I always have to comfert her and sleep with her. I really love her but I don't know how to tell her that she fuses over nothing in a kind way that won't hurt her feelings. So, is it normal that an 18yo girl is afraid of the dark? Pleases leave comments on what you think.

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79% Normal
Based on 205 votes (161 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • PixieWillow

    I think it's a relatively common fear. Her extent might be a little more than usual though. Personally, I don't like the dark when I'm alone, but I'm not petrified. I'm 18 years old.

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  • VougeBabex

    Im terrified of the dark. Its silly really. But really scared to the extent that even when im washing my face i have to do my eyes last so i can keep one eye open. omd it sounds pathetic now ive put it in to perspective like this. But before bed ill always say my prayers, ..'In Your Name, Oh Allah, I die and live.'.. cos when you sleep, your soul is decided by god wether you should live the next day. Thats why you should always be mindful of death, it is inevitable. An if we are living life to the teachings of islam. Then we have nothing to fear, but if we are leading sny other way, we have everything to fear .. the blazing fire.. Think about it. when you die. Whats left.. Your soul.. Islam tells the rest Alhamdulillah :)x

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  • CoolKid23

    Are you sure she's not 5? You might be a pedophile, ask for her age.

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  • RaveRave

    Its totally normal.
    Dont complain about it. !
    Be a good boyfriend, and cuddle & hold her. :p

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  • blondbond69

    Im 18yr old girl and I'm scared too my bf has to cuddle me to sleep

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  • Fidgety

    It's perfectly normal to be afraid of the dark. Especially if you have to go to woods at night. THAT would be terrifying, even more.

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  • cassandravl

    I'm almost 19 and I'm still afraid of the dark. It's normal! As long as your fear isn't incapacitating.. Then who cares! I sleep with my tv on with no sound.. Just so I can have some light in my room.. As mentioned above.. It's the same thing as a fear of snakes, spiders and certain animals!

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    • I'm not afraid of the dark, my girlfriend is.

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  • MissLaydee

    I'm 19 and I sleep with the light on, I'm ok if my boyfriend is with me and so I can turn it off but I don't like being alone in the dark! :(

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  • I thank you all for your advice. :) I will give you an update layer.

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  • SirDaedalus

    On the bright side... she'll never tell you to turn out the lights when you make love.

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  • ohwell...

    Some people are afrais of the dark throughout their lives, just like spiders and snakes. Help her out with it, but dont put her down by saying, things like, "what the hell!! you're just a kid!!" Its ok even if she wants the nightlamp on when she's a grandmother. Look at the good things in her, show her her own positives and make her strong. When she gains confidence, her fear will automatically diminish. And even if it doesn't, BIG FUCKIN DEAL!!!! Good Luck!!

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  • SophiieXD

    No harm in asking her why she might be afraid of the dark! I'm personally not afraid of the dark but I probably would be if I couldn't control my anxiety... By the way I'm 21... So just ask :)

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  • StrangeGirl16

    I think it is normal? It depends if there is a reason why she is scared of the dark; im 16 and still scared if the dark but probetbly will be when im 18

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  • NRD

    I have to say not normal.

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  • Terahbell

    Yeah, I am. But I'm 17.

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