Is it normal that my heart starts to beat too fast sometimes?

Sometimes my heart starts beating too fast for like 10 seconds (for no reason) and then it keeps beating normally. This used to happen much more than now. However, i still dont know if it is normal.

Voting Results
50% Normal
Based on 34 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • chained_rage

    Boring Answer:

    Heart palpitations can be due to anxiety.

    Better Answer:

    Maybe you have gama radiation poisoning and your body is preparing you to smash something.

    Probable Answer:

    Dat cholesterol.

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  • Justbelowgenius

    This is relatively common. It usually has something to do with diet ( caffeine ), nutrient deficiency ( Magnesium, potassium, B12, etc ), circadian rhythm disturbance or vasovagal nerve stimulation caused believe it or not by gas. ( Delayed gastric emptying and fermentation in the gut ). Often it's a combination of these things. It is always wise to see a doctor to rule out any possible cardiac issues. It usually doesn't even involve surgery. Most times this is not serious BUT check it out first so you can relax when it happens. Fast heartbeats can be unsettling and annoying but are not usually dangerous.

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  • Maybe tachycardia? You should see a cardiologist.

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  • notaterrorist

    could b too much salt or too much drugs or anxiety

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