Is it normal that my husband smokes pot with other girls 3 times a day

my husband smokes pot with other girls every day, or 3 or more times a dy, i dont like this , and i'm telling him every day, but he tells me, that i have to trust him because he is doing nothing wrong, he is soo happy when this girl calls him, she comes to our parking and take my husband with her, and leave, i dont know wher they go, we have a baby together, i dont know what to do,i cant leave him, because of my baby, and i dont have a place wher to go,he said to me that i am extremely jelous, but i see that he has changed a lot, he speaks for her all day, and when he is high he dont stop talking good words about her, they stay 1 hour together or more, now he calls her for any help, like going to store, or other things. i am crying every day, my life is so miserable, i dont know what to do, tell me smth please, i am depressed, he is 15 years older than me, and doesnt treat me good enough, he loves to hang out with other females, and to laugh with them in fron of my eyes, i hate him, but i cant do nothing, he controls my life

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Comments ( 16 )
  • Member3285

    Sorry, sounds like your husband is an asshole.

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  • piman

    i counted one period in that whole story

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  • He sounds like some loser.

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  • snowyd

    Leave, seriously. I know it's more complicated than that, but bottom line is: you know what's making you unhappy. So stop making yourself unhappy. If you don't do actively something then it's equally your fault.

    You can leave, even if you have a baby. There will be hard times dealing with money, instability, support...but in the future you won't regret it. You don't want to stay with someone like him. There are so many people out there who are in situations like yours, and overcome them because they want to be happy, and don't lose hope.

    Best of luck; you can do it.

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  • gators=amazing

    15 years is a very big difference and I hate to say but 9 out of 10 relationships with that much of an age difference normally doesn't work out. To your husband he's pretty much making it into a game with your emotions. He knows its driving you crazy and your not really doing anything about it. If you're his wife then take a stand and tell him point blank this is bullcrap, no married man needs to go out and get hisgh with other girls. If he's trying to blow it off to make you seem like the bitch then he's playing you as a fool. He knows your not going to leave him because of the baby and having nowhere else to go. But always remember you do have the choice to leave, I was married to a royal overcontrolling, abusive asshole. I was only 16 at the time with an 14month old baby. I was deathly afraid of leaving him because I was in the same situation. But one night I said screw it, I couldn't take it anymore and I left him in the middle of the night. I took the baby and packed up somethings and walked out that door never to look back. You just gotta find the strength behind your voice, use it!

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  • DavidS.

    Relationships all depend on what boundaries those individuals involved set...the important thing is that he does not seem to care about your feelings...although your nesting instincts may now be intensified because of your new child...unfortunately his nesting instincts have not...which could mean that he doesn't feel them as strong as you or he is addicted to marijuana and the urge of the addiction is both drowning out his feelings and creating an urge that he can not fight...tell him that you need a certain degree of support during this time and see if you can work out a compromise..if not then you will have to accept the fact that you will not get the support you need from him and will have to create other relationships to get those needs met...

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  • emilydoll


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  • -WhySoSerious-

    Most possessive husbands turn that way when the wife gets pregnant. It's an ownership thing..

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  • Leave or stalk him. If you do decide to stalk him and see that there's nothing wrong then you should trust him. But really if he isn't treating you well then just leave.

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  • If he's getting the shit for free,what's the big deal.Just tell him to bring back home plenty of the shit once he's done partying with them.Yo,free shit is free shit-take advantage of it instead of bitching/complaining.

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  • DavidS.

    The idea that our problems in life are caused by other people is false.....I do not mean that other people don't hurt us or that this guy is not wrong in someway...but most of our problems are caused by our own emotional disturbances that result in an inability to communicate in ways that get our needs it stands now your are not able to get the level of emotional support you need your question is how do you get it and what part can he play in need to spell out what you need and then see what he is willing to do..if you still need more then take steps to get it...

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  • SilverJayeWolf

    Divorce that sonofabitch. Marry someone else. I was born of one Dad I never met because my Mum left him. You only live once, girlie.

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  • LightningTechnician

    Hahaha, that's what you get for being stereotypical and picking older men. Sorry honey but 15 years older is too much. And demand a divorce at least you'll take half of everything he has. :)

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  • its all about the money. if you had enough money you wouldn't even turn at his voice calling you back, while goofy is out think and make plans to go, dont tell him your intentions , others do it so can you, best luck to u

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  • Dozis

    Why?if he did smoke pot by himself or just with you it would not be something to worry about? What if he just spent time with three girls without doing pot?would that make the whole thing acceptable? Hon. If he controls your life,last thing you wanna do is trying to control his. You want reasons to bring in court when you get a divorce and sue his ass for domestic violence. And by the way:do not take part in any of the shit he pulls. You might end up in trouble as well then who thinks about the kids?if you have any?child protection services. Meanwhile you would both be jailed. And to tell the truth i am starting to hope you will both get jailed.

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  • lease

    Not to make you kill yourself, but you sound like the biggest loser for having been willing to marry him. I'm guessing you were like 18 and he was 33 and gave you free pot, so he was the coolest person around.

    Now that you've grown up a couple years, you realize that he's still a worthless pothead.

    Surprise! Every time he gets high, he bangs the shit out of those girls. Remember when you were 18 and he banged you when you were high? Duh.

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