Is it normal that my intelligence has crippled me in the long-term?
Not here to brag. Serious post.
I always achieved high results effortlessly throughout primary school and some of secondary school. Good, right? Well, I've realized recently that blazing through everything without needing to work has left me with extremely deficient studying skills, and is beginning to hinder my studies more and more as I progress through the education system. I have a friend who is not stunningly 'bright', yet manages to get consistently better marks than me through determination and hard work. It's not that I don't care about doing well, but more that I lack the motivation to reach any further than the bare minimum.
I am very disorganized, and my papers end up in a total mess no matter what system or technique I use to supposedly keep them in order. This also contributes to my poor performance at school.
I am worried that these faults will hold me back in the long-term, and prevent me from ever succeeding in the cruel, hard, adult world, which I shall be shoved into not long from now. is it normal that I feel my natural ability was a poisoned gift? Does anyone else have similar problems?