Is it normal that my miniature pinscher wheezes?
My dog is a miniature pinscher and she does this weird cough/hack/wheezing thing. The vet says there isn't anything wrong with her. Is that normal?
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My dog is a miniature pinscher and she does this weird cough/hack/wheezing thing. The vet says there isn't anything wrong with her. Is that normal?
Dogs can have allergies too. Take her to a second vet, bring your vaccination records (bc kennel cough, mentioned above, is very serious & always possible.) Have her checked out there too.
Also, observe how/when she does it. Is it when she's excited? Eating? All the time? Running around? Inside or outside, or a particular room? Is it a reaction (she sneezed when you surprise her)? Can you get her to do it? Is it different for different things? Write all of your observations down & take it to the vet. If you can get her to do it, i.e. get her excited so she starts sneezing, do that at the vet's.
Last & not-so-common but worth mentioning, sometimes on animals the flap between the esophogas and trachia (i.e. the food & wind pipes in your throat) can be loose, causing wheezing especially after exercise. Again, not common but worth mentioning, I know a couple dogs & horses with that problem... its not too bad but one was bad enough that they required surgery to pin the flap better, so it could exercise without choking.
Sorry I know its a long read, but basically the more info you bring to the vet, the better they can help. And, if its not hurting her quality of life, maybe its just a quirk!
It could be reverse sneezing...Your vet should have told you why she might be doing it. My dads dog had breathing problems and when he'd start wheezing (which was usually when he got excited) I'd pinch his nose and rub his throat it works.
My immediate instinct was kennel cough. Do you know whether your dog has been vaccinated against bordetella? It's usually done at the same time as distemper.
If you don't know whether she's had the vaccinations, get another vet's appointment as soon as you can. Kennel cough can be very serious if not treated.