Is it normal that my mom is this scared of fires starting?

My mom is obsessed with fires starting. She finds a way to make everything into a potential fire hazard.

We're not allowed to have candles, incense, fans, or electric blankets. She checks our things that are plugged in to see if they are too warm. She has so many rules about using certain things when she's not home.

It's really annoying for a few reasons. 1, it's irrational. 2, there's so many more relevant things she should be worried about but isn't. 3, she makes us feel incompetent, as if we can't NOT burn the house down. Constantly acting like we're incapable of using a toaster or whatever if she's not there.

She preaches and lectures constantly about fires. My brother, who moved out a long time ago, still gets lectures.

She's never had a fire in her life, if she had lost everything in a fire I'd be more understanding of this.

She will use news reports to justify her fears, and if anything burns down she'll do 2 things. 1, boost her ego because she thinks she has prevented thousands of similar fires here by doing what she does. 2, cracks down even harder on us.

She worries so much about this but not about my brother driving drunk all the time or that the creeps my dad hangs out with have tried to molest us kids before and have stolen from the family. When she found out I was smoking, she was more concerned with how I was putting my cigarette butts out over anything else. I didn't get yelled at for smoking, I got yelled at for being dangerous for smoking in the old barn with "all that dry old wood".

Is it normal?

Voting Results
23% Normal
Based on 71 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 19 )
  • lolol555

    I think quite a few people here haven't fully read your story and missed a few key details. For example:

    "She worries so much about this but not about my brother driving drunk all the time or that the creeps my dad hangs out with have tried to molest us kids before and have stolen from the family"

    This immediately tells me that she is selfish and her phobia of the fires is not for your safety, but her own. Now, to be careful about not setting off a fire is perfectly fine and normal but to be obsessive to the point where she constantly checks plugs and can't even trust you to use the toaster isn't.

    She's a horrible mother, in my opinion, and I would advise you to get away from her as soon as possible and/or call the authorities or phone a helpline for full advice on what to do about the molesters.

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  • Wild_Child

    She is irrationally ignoring contraindications (when would risk factors not cause a fire). Stay out of her sight like you would with a aggressive sibling. You need to find influences in your life (friends parents, etc) that are more mentally healthy.

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  • poohed

    Kick the silly cunt in the head. I hope you set the cunt on fire.

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  • dinz

    Well it could be a potential case of Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

    Has she seek professional help?

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  • Avant-Garde

    She has a phobia which might have been caused by a traumatic fire related incident during her childhood. You should ask her about it or ask her to see a therapist.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    Your mother is not being stupid or over protective. You shouldn't have anything burning unattended - that's just common sense. Also, electric blankets - if you're female - can pose a risk to fertility, and of course they shouldn't be left on unattended either.

    "She's never had a fire in her life."
    You say that as if it's a bad thing - she hasn't had a fire because she's using her brains to prevent one.

    Fire safety should NOT be used only after you've been torched. That's just asking for problems.

    I grew up in a household where appliances were unplugged when not in use, save for major appliances such as the stove, fridge, and microwave. It was part of normal electrical safety.

    Plus in some older homes, they had aluminum wiring ... which is a BIG hazard. As aluminum wires age, they develop spurs that reach out. Many electrical fires in older homes are the result of aluminum wiring where the spurs eventually touched other wires.

    As for fire damage, it doesn't take very long. A neighbor's apartment just got torched from faulty wiring. Thankfully she wasn't home. From what I've been told there wasn't any real flames, but the smoldering mess completely ruined the kitchen and caused severe damage in every single room of the apartment. And it filled all the connecting apartments with smoke too.

    It's been over 2 weeks and they're still cleaning the apartment out.

    So, leave your mom alone. She's trying to keep you safe.

    you can make the rules when you get your own place.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    I kind of agree with your mother. I also had this fear about electric blankets since it is a cloth over a heated wiring but I like heated blankets. I always unplug things when I am not using them to make sure it does not start a fire. I also put all the plugs away in designated(hidden areas) when I have to leave. People have fallen asleep with cigarettes before and burnt the house down. The fact she ignored your father is hanging out with child molesters is wrong and you should call the police right away. However the things you mentioned make a great deal of sense. Smoking in the barn seems like a no brainier. You sound very reckless.

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  • NothingSpecial

    This sounds like a phobia, a true genuine phobia, and not just "lol I hate spiders!" A true, genuine phobia sufferer is constantly worried about whatever they're afraid of and takes extreme caution to prevent direct contact with whatever they fear or dread. OCD possible, phobia, very likely.

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  • Shroot

    Set her on fire

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  • standbyme555

    My grandma is exactly like this I mean, come on, fires are scary
    But she does seem like she needs a little help...

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  • A-Hor

    She may have OCD caused from a trauma in her life. The trauma doesn't have to be related to fire. Their brain cells connect to make it make sense in their head. It's really about having control or authority.

    There was a woman who left her 3 year old child alone for a minute in the tub, and he drowned. She was later terrified that everything in her apartment on the third floor was going to collapse through the floor. She associated that if her child died when she had her eyes off of him for two seconds, in the comfort of her own home, how can sure know if a board isn't going to break?

    Do you see what I mean? From how you describe it at least (cause I do like to hear both sides of each story) she can have some type of OCD that's really disrupting your life, and probably her own as well. I would suggest talking to a counselor and seeking some professional help for her. It won't be pleasant because she probably doesn't realize this is a problem. But it will help a lot in the end.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Woah oh oh her sex is on fire.

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    • ObsessedWithReedus

      I love that song! Kings of Leon, right?

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      • Terence_the_viking


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  • MostInterestingManInTheWorld

    She's burning with desire for ME.

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  • mysterymen3000

    Woah woah woah. This is not a therapy session. Calm down the water works before you put out a whole forest fire. Maybe you should me thanking your mom for helping your sorry ungrateful ass. Jesus she's not molesting you she's saving you from burning to death? You won't be able to put the fire out in hell!

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    • A-Hor

      Quit trolling.

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  • Justsomejerk

    You should start lighting fires at home, maybe become a fire eater.

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  • Juicedrink

    It's quite odd but we all have irrational fears, right? I'm dead afraid of people murdering me and my family so every night I check if the doors are lock and check all my windows.

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