Is it normal that my neighbor loves animals?

My neighbor loves animals and helping them too! She has 76 homeless cats, 6 owned dogs and 7 homeless dogs. I go over and help for free, feeding them, petting them, etc. I love them too, but I can't buy them. Anyways, I told friends of mine and they said "I'm calling the police. She's a horader!" I don't know if this is true, because she intends good for these animals! And she lives in a roomy house and these animals seem happy! But I don't know why everyone calls her a "Hoarder"! Is it normal???? And please, no hate. I want support for my animal-loving friend and I! Is It Normal?

Voting Results
64% Normal
Based on 36 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • zchristian

    "76 homeless cats, 6 owned dogs and 7 homeless dogs" Sure sounds like a hoarder unless she gets a lot of help if she does not the animals probadly have it bad even if she intents good...

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  • LeifurEirikson

    I have seen this before, she does seem to have good intentions but this might be something dangerous and ultimately very unhealthy for everyone. I'm not exactly sure who you should contact (therapist, animal control, etc.). But this is not a good situation and you should try to do something about it. For her age and the fact she lives alone (I assume) she really shouldn't own anymore then 10 animals at a time. Please try to do something to help these animals. I appreciate what she's trying to do but you need to do the right thing here.

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  • dappled

    Helping animals is a wonderful thing to do, as long as the reason you're doing it is mainly for the animals. I don't know how many times I've said it here but I'd love to open an animal sanctuary. I usually tie it to the idea of winning the lottery because it has to be done right.

    I am never going to get on to your neighbour for doing something which seems worthy to me but, being honest, there's a little part of me that wonders if she's doing the best thing. If she has the space and resource and money to be doing what she's doing, and she's giving all these animals a happy life, I'm going to be the first to commend her (if not marry her). I just hope that's the case.

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    • moomus

      I would open an animal
      Sanctuary too! I have taken in a few reptiles and tarantulas no one wanted, plus have my own too. Plus a cat and 2 dogs and loads of others. If she can look after the animals properly and they don't go without food and the hygiene is ok then why not?

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      • dappled

        You gave me an idea. There's a community garden near where I live (both for allotments and for "show" flowers). I wonder why people don't group together to form community animal sanctuaries. I can't afford to do it on my own, but I'd give my time and money to a bigger project and even help co-ordinate it and set it up.

        It could be part-shelter, part public engagement (involving local schools, etc). Like a petting zoo where you could genuinely adopt the animals and give them homes.

        Animals waiting to be rehomed don't always get the nicest environments or the attention an animal needs. Maybe this business model covers the bases better.

        On a selfish note, it might also become a centre for unwanted exotics (sugar gliders get dumped more frequently than some other animals, and I would love to work with them in an environment that suits them).

        Am I missing something, or have I had an idea here?

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    As long as she has the accommodation and means to raise and feed all of these animals, then she is doing a wonderful thing. If not, then she is probably hurting the animals more than helping!

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  • Shackleford96

    Honestly, she is obsessed. 76 cats is WAY too many, not to mention all the dogs too.

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