Is it normal that my pets act like this?

I have quite a few pets, and some of them do weird/unusual stuff. My Chihuahua/Corgi mix insists on eating cat food, plays with string like a cat, and sits with his hind legs crossed like a person does when sitting on a chair. My Pit Bull acts like a baby. His favorite toy is a baby doll, tries to climb in my lap like a lap dog, and does a creepy looking dog grin and whines until you pay attention to him or give him food. My tabby cat is addicted to cat treats like a guy on crack. Almost every day at 9pm, he goes to the pet treat basket and meows. And meows. And meows. He also won't eat any treats other than Temptations treats and pieces of dog kibble. Lastly, my Maine Coon's favorite sleeping and drinking spot is the bathroom sink. She tries to literally bite my hand off if I try to take her out. She also acts bipolar or something. One minute she acts very loving and lies down on my stomach, one minute later she swipes at my face and runs away.

Sorry this was so long, I just had a lot to say. :)

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74% Normal
Based on 31 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • I liked this post, it is refreshing to read something cute, about animals, that has nothing to with sex, weird habits or crazy shit :)

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    • 1000yrVampireKing

      I agree with this.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Your pets sound cute. Yes it is normal for animals to be weird. They are like little people and all have corks.

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  • lmh

    This song suits your pets "you're hot then you're cold. You're yes then you're no. You're in, then you're out. You're up then you're down...." LOL

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  • NeonLighterz

    You sure that's not your own family? HAHA.

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  • how cute , my cat has no meouw , the mouth opens but no noise comes out , i used to have a small dog who was in the shed trying to rip the iron off with his teeth to get to a hiding possum,

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  • dappled

    A family pet when I was young used to love windy days. She'd sit guard outside with her eyes all squinty and her ears flapping. We used to call her Winston Churchill. She really looked like she was pondering deep things, like the war in Europe.

    The same dog was obsessed with the guinea pigs and when we put them in a cardboard while the hutch was being cleared out, she somehow got in the box and was doing the wall of death, chasing them around.

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  • Haha aww. My dog likes to steal the dryer sheets in laundry. She licks the couch sometimes and if you try to stop her she gets a bit vicious. When she knows she did something bad or she knows she might go in the cage she walks around the table then either walks under it or walks to a corner of the room and falls over in slow motion. It's so cute and sad. Her favorite spot is on top of the couch which sometimes makes me uncomfortable because she will be right behind me above my head and barks, scares me. Lol. If you stack a bunch of pillows and blankets high up on the couch she lies on it like she's a queen or something.

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