Is it normal that my pitbull turned on my stepdad?

Yesterday my pitbull acted as if he wanted to attack my stepdad, but i got him out of the room before he could do anything. My pitbull used to love my stepdad. Every time he see his tail would wag and he would get all excited. But for some reason, yesterday he got really vicious when he saw him. Do you guys think my stepdad did something to him when were not at home. Because my stepdad loves to get him out of his cage when we leave the house.

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Comments ( 13 )
  • Honeypot2000

    Maybe your stepdad wanted to touch you

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  • Avant-Garde

    Animals are able sense whether a person is good or not. It could be that he has done something bad, not necessarily to the dog. It could have been towards someone else.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    People don't like to admit it but sometimes even the best trained dogs can turn. Why? We may never know but it does happen quite commonly especially with certain breeds.

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  • Moonbow

    There are numerous cases of pit bulls attacking their owner or a member of their owner's family without warning or provocation. Last year, several pit bull owners were attacked and killed by their own pit bulls without warning. In fact, pit bull-type dogs are 6 times more likely to attack their owners than other dogs. Pit bulls that have been raised from puppies, never mistreated and supposedly well-trained attack people all the time and every time, the owners always say something like: "He/she was such a good dog, I can't understand what happened."
    If you're smart -- and we know you're not because if you were, you would have shot that monster when it growled at your step-dad -- you will get rid of that pit bull immediately and by "get rid of," I don't mean taking it to an animal shelter where it can be passed along to someone else where the next time, it might attack a young child for no reason. I mean kill that vicious POS before it attacks someone and kills or badly injures them and you end up in court. And don't think that just because you don't have anything, you won't lose anything because a judgment can be entered against you and if you ever do have anything (including a job), you will have to pay. I know a woman who is having to pay one quarter of her salary every month until she pays off a $150,000 judgment because her pit bull attacked someone several years ago.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    Could it have been something he was wearing that day? A smell on his clothing? What kind of history does the dog have?

    It could have been a negative association if it can be related to a specific item or smell or something. Otherwise it might just be a problem with your step dad.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Animals can be unpredictable but there's something odd going on here. Either he mistreated the dog or the dogs knows that he's done something wrong. Maybe he's trying to protect you from him. You need to get to the bottom if this.

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  • sassafrassi

    Maybe not sure. It's odd that he would act like that just by seeing him. Maybe see how your dog reacts to seeing him again. If your dog continues to act scared or aggressive around him then maybe he did do something.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I dunno. I guess, sometimes, pets can turn on people. Maybe he's gotten sick or something.

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    • foxyk

      this is very possible

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  • milkymum

    The only reason he would change is down to being mistreted, if so then have nothing to do with your stepdad as people who do things lke that should be strung up!!!

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    maybe your dad did something bad and your dog can see it in his eyes.

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  • foxyk

    yeah your step dad could of done something bad to the dog. Pit bulls don't forget easily, and they don't like being fucked with. Sadly, it could also have to do with where you got your pit bull from (as in, a breeder or a pet store who got the dog from a certain breeder) It doesn't even have to be a breeder, just if the dog was inbred, or has bad genes. Pit bulls were bred to be fighting dogs, so aggression can be found easily in the bloodlines. And no, I am not breed discriminating, I am just stating the facts. Sorry people lol. So many people get mad at me when I tell them the truth about pit bulls.... I have also known pit bulls who randomly turned on their people...and have done lots of research on the topic.

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    • foxyk

      I'm also not saying your dog has always been aggressive, because obviously from what you posted, the dog wasn't aggressive until this instance

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