Is it normal that my reflection harasses me and i can hear it?

Sometimes when I look in a mirror, if I'm on my own, my reflection contorts and says mean things. Like that everyone hates me, I'm ugly, stupid etc. it mostly happens if I'm upset. It really freaks me out and makes me sad. I'm bad at being sad so I get angry instead. And some times I can hear her (my reflection I think) in my head. It's like she's trying to get out. Sometimes she saids she's the real person and I'm just blocking her from her life. She scares me. She is more confidant than me, and is into boys in a much more "driven" way. She went away for a while but She's starting to get worse again. The last time she really bad I started self harming. Naturally no one knows this is happening. If I tell them they'll think I'm crazy.

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13% Normal
Based on 84 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Avant-Garde

    1. You might have schizophrenia. You need to see a therapist for that.

    2. Your mirror is possessed. Either smash the mirror, sell it or hire a psychic to help you get rid of the spirit.

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  • ThePooChooChoo

    NO, You're Insane

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  • hedgehogllama

    I strongly recommend seeing a doctor. Please don't be worried about telling a professional about this, they will have seen things like this before and will be able to give you the help you need.
    I know it can be hard, especially when there's a lot of stigma surrounding mental illnesses, but I promise you will feel better given the right diagnosis and proper help.

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  • Grimlock2020

    You may to want to make an appointment to talk to a doctor about it, it could be a serious psychological problem. Until then just try you're hardest to keep your head up and ignore that other part of you until you can get some help.

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  • ArkansasArtist

    Don't worry, it's not schizophrenia, not enough symptoms etc. It sounds more like a dissociative disorder.

    I would suggest seeing psychiatrist for some medication to control the issues. They usually see you once every few months for a few minutes at a time, for medication management mostly.

    I would also recommend a psychologist for regular talk therapy. Once every two weeks or once a month. These visits are gonna be an hour or so long. They help you find the root of the cause and address it.

    Also, don't be ashamed either. And when you talk to them, tell them everything. There is nothing you can tell them that they haven't heard before (or worse)... They are there to help you.

    Good luck.

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    • agreed. this definitely sounds like DID (multiple personality disorder) as opposed to schizophrenia. Then again, I'm no expert and I don't think having multiple personalities is any less insane than being schizophrenic. They're both about equal in terms of severity, just very different mental illnesses. This happened to me once while I was tripping and it was some pretty crazy shit, so I kind of know what she's going through

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    • windowsconspirator21

      The problem with calling this a dissociative disorder is that mental condition is very unique to the North American culture. Cases of it are virtually nonexistent outside of the United States.
      Does the OP live in the States?

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  • tyeStubbs

    its perfectly normal .... it might be an identical issue or like different identities .... very common ..... see a therapist or talk to friends about it, you can get rid of these things cause ur mind makes em up cause of something that happened in ur past or stress or etc.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Do you ever do LSD? If the answer is no...SEE A DOCTOR!

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  • That sounds exactly like schizophrenia.

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  • Johnnytherat

    kick its ass

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