Is it normal that my sister and i still play pretend?

I just turned 18 years old and my sister is 15. Everyday since I was 11 and she was 8 we used to make up characters and pretend to be families just like normal kids. But we somehow never stopped. We go in our room everyday and we kind of "play pretend". We make up characters, stories, continue them on till we get bored and then start another "game". But it's obviously not like a very childish game. It's very realistic and we take it very seriously. We like to call it acting but we both know it's not normal anymore. It's just a way we interact together and forget about the world for some hours by coming up with our own imaginary one and creating characters with their own problems. We've been doing this forever now and our family usually thinks we're just watching videos or talking. If they ever find out I think I'll die. Please help. Tell me if this can possibly be normal in any way.

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70% Normal
Based on 37 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • CountessDouche

    There's nothing wrong with having imagination as an adult. It's not a bad thing. How do you think novels, plays, scripts, crazy ass rpg games and all that shit get magically dreamed up. Star's a thing...some asshole made that shit up! There's nothing wrong with going all bridge to terabithia to pass your time; in fact it's probably good for you.

    Most fun adults do a little but of child-like dreaming from time to time. My boyfriend tells me bedtime stories. Granted, it's nothing that could be considered literary genius, but c'mon "zombie Kenny Rogers and the wallaby farm" and "radioactive kittens vs crocodiles"...that shit is both fucking awesome and hilarious.

    Imagine on.

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  • teendicksuckers

    Does it ever lead to sex?

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  • SkullsNRoses

    I still do this with my sisters sometimes, they're 16 I'm 18, it usually ends in one of us collapsing in a fit of laughter at the sheer ridiculousness of the situation we've created. What you're doing doesn't sound weird to me, especially the part about finding it a bit embarrassing. Just because it's not expected of people our age doesn't mean it's a bad thing.

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  • WhiteStallion

    I can understand if you were an only child, but now you and your sister do this... doesn't sound normal to me but if it helps you get through stuff, have fun, have a stronger bond, there shouldn't be a problem.

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  • CheyChey

    It's sweet and perfectly normal, it's great you two have such a close relationship.

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  • kandjforever

    I'm a girl btw...

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