Is it normal that my uncle lies in bed with his niece?

I saw my cousin (uncle's niece) and my uncle in bed. So my uncle was in his boxers (he's always in his boxers at home) and shirtless. My cousin is fully clothed. My cousin was laying with him on the bed and she was hugging him. But when they saw me they both got startled and my cousin got up and out of the room. They're not that close (at least, I don't think so). And they're not blood related. Now my cousin is 29 and my uncle is 52. I really don't know what to think here. Well common sense tells me this is not usual, but I'm not sure if I'm just being super paranoid. Guys. I'm losing my mind. Help me.

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18% Normal
Based on 97 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 69 )
  • Terence_the_viking

    Sounds like the start of some hillbilly shit.

    Kill it with fire.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      sounds like cityfolk shit to me

      kill it with fire

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    • wrightc2294

      That's what I wanted to do.

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    • Jujudog

      No! Throw potatoes at them!

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      • Terence_the_viking

        Hahaha i like the sound of that.

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  • Linksmiles

    Sounds suspicious.

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  • Jujudog

    why don't you go to the uncle or cousin, or both, and ask them wtf is going on? If you ask some carefully placed questions, it should be clear what is going on whatever answers you get.
    Threaten to tell your aunt if it continues.
    So maybe the problem gets solved without the poo hitting the big air current producing device.

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    • wrightc2294

      Thanks. I think that's what I will do tomorrow. I was just too shocked to speak when I saw them.

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      • Jujudog

        How did you actually happen to stumble on it anyway?

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        • wrightc2294

          I dropped by to drop some documents. Nobody was downstairs so I went up to see if my uncle is in the bedroom because if he wasn't I would have just left the envelope in the table. Then I saw them.

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          • Jujudog

            10 mins later and certain details in your post would have been very different

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  • sunshinemoonlight

    theyre both adults and can do whatever they want as long as theyre not blood related which would constitute incest which is illegal. besides your cousin is your aunt's daughter so chances are your cousin probably looks like a younger version of her which explains your uncle's attraction to your cousin. probably reminds him of the old days of what your aunt used to look like and his experiences associated with that. he's looking for something and someone new, fresh and exciting. also men are biologically programmed to seek younger mates as it's a sign of fertility.

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    • wrightc2294

      No. You've got this wrong. My uncle is married to my aunt. My cousin and I are both blood related to my aunt because my cousin's mother is my aunt's sister; my mom is also my aunt's sister. So my cousin is my aunt's niece, not her daughter. My uncle is married to my aunt. We are not related to the uncle by blood.

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    • KingTermite

      Incest isn't illegal everywhere and it doesn't sound as if they were having sex.

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  • Ghostygirl

    I think they might be doing something. I would understand if it was a case of a 5 year old scared of the closet and demands her heroic uncle lay down next to her and read her a story. But by their ages I can see how it's not innocent at all even though they are not blood related it's morally wrong but if he isn't forcing her then to hell with it. It's freaky and weird but eh what can you do.

    ( on that same note no one screw with family. It's creepy and weird.)

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    • wrightc2294

      But could there be any possibility that I'm wrong? That it coukd be innocent? My uncle is married to my aunt. My cousin is blood related to my aunt, as am I. This is why I'm in such a predicament. Because the minute I open my mouth and tell her, shit will hit the fan. What should I do? I'm grasping on straws here.

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      • JamieWoj

        Would they lay in bed with each other if your aunt was in the room? If not, then there's defiantly something going on.

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        • wrightc2294

          No, I don't really see them laying in the bed together when my aunt is around.

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          • JamieWoj

            Alright then, there's your answer sweetie. If they are doing something that they wouldn't do with your aunt in the same room, then they know it's wrong and so do you. If you can get proof there's something going on, try to get it before you tell your aunt, or try to tell her anonymously so you don't have to be in the middle.

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      • Ghostygirl

        I think you're right the whole situation is wrong. That's a very difficult situation to be put it and it's more delicate when it's family.

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      • Nina8765

        Let me ask you something,why would they get out of the bed if they didnt do anything? You know what i mean.

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      • KingTermite

        Of course it could be innocent. You said he's always wearing boxers so nothing amiss there. Maybe she was having a bad day or confiding some secret and she feels she can talk to him. The point being you don't really know and are jumping to the worst possible conclusion. So who has the dirty mind?

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        • wrightc2294

          That's why I was asking in the first place if there's any semblance of reasonable explanation here

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          • KingTermite

            Are you saying you couldn't think of any possible reason? Without knowing any of the individuals involved it's difficult to say what they might have been doing but no one could know better than you.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Yeah, that shit's fucked up, yo!

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  • Paigiepoo

    No way. Get up and do some work

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  • Curiousme1981

    Just let them be everyone eventually gets caught...they always do!

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  • devonsweeneysGF

    There adults, what the fuck is the problem?

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    • wrightc2294

      The fucking problem is that my uncle is married to my aunt! My aunt who I am related to by blood. My aunt who my cousin is related to by blood. Jesus fucking Christ people. Stop blabbering if you don't have the time to read the information provided above.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Hmm... I think it would be cool if someone secretly recorded them, and then put it up online. Expose them for the shitty people they are to everyone they know! I personally think people who commit incest should be publicly shamed. Bring back the stockade, then throw rotten food at them. Cheating is bad enough, but cheating and incest deserves harsh judgment and public shame! Really anything that exposes, and humiliates two consenting adults who commit incest is a good thing. If it's a matter of a victim and a predator then I say kill the predator.

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  • Paigiepoo

    I would never snuggle with my family, I get the weirdness of them getting up and continuing as if nothing was strange. So yes.. Not normal

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    • Ghostygirl

      Totally not normal. Bet her dad would kick his ass if he found out....(jerry jerry jerry) lol joking aside it's really freaky

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  • mysistersshadow

    No its not normal but its also none of your business either. Leave them alone and forget you ever saw anything is probly the best thing to do.

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    • Ghostygirl

      Well it is her aunt that he's cheating on if they're doing that so it kinda is her business

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      • wrightc2294

        Thank. You.

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      • mysistersshadow

        Hang on a sec I need to go read the OP again...

        Ok I'm back... where did you see this AUNT thing? Becos I sure didn't see it. Did you know its possible for someone to be a uncle and NOT BE MARRIED? Scandalous I know but true all the same.

        My wild ass guess here is that you and the OP are the same person and one of you - probably you - is a sockpuppet account of the OP here to prop up whatever the OP says. Or I could be wrong and your psychic so you just knew this little detail that wasn't mentioned.

        Or maybe your not psychic you just make assumptions. If this is the case your going to have alot of trouble on this website becos what you think you know you don't know.

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        • wrightc2294

          5 minutes before she said about my uncle being married to my aunt, I already answered her. See above. Stop your paranoia. I don't have time for conspiracy theories here. I don't have time for 2 accounts. I just need some advice. OKAY??? Jesus Christ. Do you think I'd make 2 accounts just to collaborate myself?? Fuck. Off.

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          • mysistersshadow

            Oh we're at fuck off huh?

            Ok how the fuck about this... I read the fucking OP and I fucking replied to your fucking dumb ass that didn't include any fucking information about any fucking aunt. I don't read every fucking posters comments becos I don't fucking care and I don't have fucking time you fucking idiot.

            None of this fucking shit even deserved to be fucking posted. If you fucking think something is fucking going on then by all fucking means blow it the fuck up. If your not fucking sure then keep your fucking mouth shut. Its pretty fucking simple. But fucking simple isn't good enough for a fucking drama queen. Honestly you should mind your own fucking business and leave them alone if theres something fucking going on and its meant to fucking come out then you can be damn sure it fucking will.

            For fucks sake give my your aunts number and I'll fucking tell her myself if it will make you stop fucking whining about it. I've fucked up enough lives in my fucking time on this planet I can fuck up even more and it won't make any fucking difference.

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      • Paigiepoo

        Your complexity is very cool, and it's so balanced

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    • wrightc2294

      It's actually not "none of my business". My uncle is married to my aunt, who my cousin and I are related to by blood. So I cannot in good conscience, and really, as a decent human being just leave this alone if thete is indeed something freaky going on here.

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      • mysistersshadow

        No actually it isn't any of your business. If you were married to one of them then yea sure but your not. There may be something going on or there may not - you don't know. There may be alot you don't know about the situation that you have no reason to know and again you just don't know.

        Of course if blowing up other ppls relationships is your business then I guess you've got a new case of your desk inspector get to blowing it up.

        You might actually be surprised that most ppl won't see you as a hero for destroying there marriage but then again what do you care it is your business after all.

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        • wrightc2294

          Wow. So if you were being cheated on by your partner, with your niece, your own flesh and blood, you'd rather not know about it? And would actually label the person who cared enough to tell you as the villain? For "destroying" your marriage? I think that is a new level of fucked up you've got there.

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          • KingTermite

            You obviously don't know Emily very well.

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          • mysistersshadow

            Wow I don't live in that kind of world so wow it will never be my problem. However wow I have seen this go down before and guess what... wow the person that dragged it out into the light wasn't greeted as a hero. Why? How the fuck would I know? I'm just a disinterested bystander reporting what I've seen... more than once. I guess its becos ppl are weird and unpredictable creatures. How strange is that?

            Maybe you should wow imagine a world that isn't like the one that fits in the tiny little box your world fits into. Did you know that wow some ppl have the kind of relationship where fidelity isn't a issue? I know wow right? You might also wow not have all the facts but wow wouldn't it be fun to be the center of all the drama that would follow your revelation? I bet it would.

            It sounds like you've already decided theres something going on that shouldn't be but as far as I've seen you haven't shown evidence of this. And where did I say I wouldn't want to know if there was cheating going on... wait wow I didn't say that. But wow you totally didn't know I live in a open relationship and finding out one of my partners was what? Cuddling while clothed? Wouldn't like wow be a big deal. Your ability to make assumptions about what you don't know is like wow staggering.

            And wow I already said if blowing up a relationship IS your business then you should totally do it. What else do you want? If you think its the right thing to do then do it you don't need validation from some random ppl on a website to do the right thing do you?

            Of course it doesn't matter that you in fact have no idea what was going on and if that thing would be bad to expose you've already decided it is bad and it should be exposed so what are you waiting for?

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            • wrightc2294

              Then just humor me this. What can make a grown man only in his boxers, to lie in bed snuggling his niece? I just need an answer to that.

              I also don't care if I will be seen as a hero or a villain. If you have never been in this situation then maybe you're the one who should be shutting your mouth because you don't know what it feels like.

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  • Paigiepoo

    Are you the poster?

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    • wrightc2294

      Yeah, I am the poster.

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      • Paigiepoo

        Their adults, and your correct, the affect on the family future can get screwed up, they knew that they were using each other,adults and needs and comfort level blah blah blah.
        Sorry you had to see that. It was there anyway

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  • Paigiepoo

    Ok. They were " comfortable" created a bond. You are correct to feel uncomfortable,
    To not follow your gut , leaves your choice to checks and balances... I say

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    • wrightc2294

      What do you mean leave my choices to checks and balances?

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  • Ellenna

    Are you close enough to your aunt to tell her in a way which won't bounce back on you and what sort of person is she? You could end up the baddie in this situation for exposing something she won't want to know about.

    It doesn't sound as if they're being at all discreet about whatever's going on: maybe she already knows?

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    • wrightc2294

      My aunt is currently out of the country though. And I visited awhile ago kinda unexpected since I was just dropping something. I think my aunt would want to know about this. And I'm really close to my aunt. She's like a second mother to me.

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  • Paigiepoo


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    • wrightc2294

      Seriously? This is your answer. Wow. Thanks. Now I can ease my foolish mind.

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      • Paigiepoo

        Of course it's fucked up, asking the question is foolish.
        I will go back and give advise to a fool

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        • wrightc2294

          I understand how foolish this question seems. But really, I'm just going crazy here. And I just need som semblance of matured discussion before I go off tattling about it. This shit is the stuff that destroys families. And I just want to erase all doubts in my mind that I could possibly be wrong. And being a condescending ass is not helping.

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          • Paigiepoo


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  • Paigiepoo

    Just checking, I've been with non family, and women wear boxers as well.
    I've seen a lot , yet it's just organic. If your family members,get out.... Their screwing around.

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  • Paigiepoo

    Slow down.. Was his ding ding out?

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    • 8beforeseven

      Ding ding ???????????
      How old are you , 2 ?????????????

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      • pantychaffe

        Lmfao, shit I say that to my five year old

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    • wrightc2294

      No. His "ding ding" was not out. Like I said, he was wearing boxers.

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  • Paigiepoo

    If people work or stay busy , there is no,time to screw around with anyone, aside from

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  • Paigiepoo

    Age is prevalent

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