Is it normal that my wife think underage sex is normal ?

So me and my wife were having a chat about sex ,My wife is a Muslim and was brought up in a Muslim country I’m from Europe.
I said what do you agree the legal age of sex should be ? She replied “ as long as the girl is willing and is not confused about it , she knows what she’s doing there’s not really a min age !

So I replied so your saying , if I slept with a 12/13 year old this would be okay (I’m 37)

She said yes as long as she wanted to It would be ok

So I replied what about 10 years old ?

She said “ At this age I doubt she would be able to think about sex in this way , but if she could I can’t see any problem with it !

Now is it me but is this just wrong ? Or is it normal ?

Maybe it’s our upbringings that have us view things differently

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Comments ( 120 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    Not ok, that’s pedophilla and rape.

    It sounds like she was brought up around young girls who were sexually abused or raped and tried desperately to normalise it. I wouldn’t even rule out that she was raped herself at that age and pretending it’s ok is how she deals with it.

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    • Clunk42

      Actually, it's not necessarily pedophilia. Pedophilia is a philia in which someone is sexually aroused by children. To find a single child attractive is not pedophilia, as philias are generalized statements about what someone finds sexually arousing. In order to be a pedophile, one would have to be sexually aroused by children in general. To be sexually aroused by an underage child doing something sexual is not qualification enough to be considered pedophilia. One would have to be attracted to multiple underage children who aren't attempting to be sexually appealing. I'm not saying pedophilia is a good thing (it's neutral if not acted upon and negative if acted upon), but I am saying that, alone, that technically would not qualify someone as a pedophile.

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      • CelticDarkMoon

        Someone who looks at a child (aged 7 for example) and gets sexually excited is a pedophile , but this is not about that it’s about two people who actually want each other , not one grooming another .

        But I understand what your saying

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        • Clunk42

          That was the point I was making. I was saying that this post isn't about pedophilia, as that's a specific condition that has specific requirements.

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          • CelticDarkMoon

            I understand what your saying and agree with what your saying

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      • SkullsNRoses

        Once a pedo always a pedo in my eyes. If you find any child sexually attractive GET HELP.

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        • CelticDarkMoon

          The only help they need is a rope !!!

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    • CelticDarkMoon

      I don’t understand how you can say it’s rape , if two 14 years old have sex it’s consensual sex , but in the eyes of the law it
      would be if one was over 16 or older .

      She’s never mentioned this to me and I think she would of said if so .

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      • SkullsNRoses

        I’m not talking about “Romeo and Juliet” instances in which both participants are underage. I’m talking about a grown adult (like the OP describes) and an underage child, aka rape.

        You would be shocked at how many survivors of childhood sexual abuse stay silent about it for decades as they are so confused and ashamed.

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        • RoseIsabella

          Preach! ✊🏻

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        • CelticDarkMoon

          We’re not talking about rape or child sexual abuse , I can’t make this clear enough .

          Rape is when someone does not want sexual intercourse but is forced too.

          Sexually abuse is the same as rape but without sexual intercourse .

          And child sexual assault is when the child is to young to understand what the hell is happening .

          We’re talking about someone who at the age where they understand sex and want it ,But is under the min legal age for it .

          I’m not talking about grooming , or sexual assault at all .

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          • RoseIsabella

            Sex between an underaged girl, and an adult man is statutory rape! End of story!

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          • Correction

            Not quite. Rape is any sex without consent, not just unwanted sex. It’s a subtle but important distinction. It’s important because it means that any situation where a person is unsure or unable to decide if they want it, that’s still rape. Too drunk or drugged to know what’s going on? Rape. Asleep? Rape. Rape isn’t just when the person says no, it’s anything other than yes. If there isn’t active, informed consent, then it’s rape.

            In the situation described by OP, a 12/13 year old doesn’t know what they’re doing. They’re incapable of deciding if they want it. That would 100% be grooming, and rape.

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            • CelticDarkMoon

              Be we are talking about consented sex/activity it’s not rape is it

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          • SkullsNRoses

            You didn’t make that clear in your post, the ages you mentioned were an adult and child,

            “if I slept with a 12/13 year old... (I’m 37)”

            A 12 year-old child cannot understand what it means to have sex with someone that old and it is automatically rape. Even if they know what sex is they are too young to consent. This should not have to be explained to you.

            When it comes to both participants being underage I think it should be taken case-by-case.

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            • RoseIsabella

              I would gladly put a bullet in between the eyes of any 37 year old man who violated a 12, or 13 year old girl, and I'm relatively sure I wouldn't ever feel bad about it. Any 37 year old man who would have sex with a junior high school girl is a piece of shit! It would be right sporting if someone could release the names, and addresses of child molesters! 🤠💪🏻

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      • Blipblorpbing

        Its actually not considered ok under the law it's just they won't put you in prison for it, becuase you are kids.

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  • It's more old world thinking, like back from a time when being a certain age like 18 wasn't as important as being able to bear children

    I really wouldn't know how being Muslim could influence that idea though

    Down vote all you want, that doesn't change the societal standards from only a few hundred years ago and beyond

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    • CelticDarkMoon

      She told me that some girls are married off young from 12 years upwards and some really young against their will , which she doesn’t agree with but it’s basically for money.

      Her being Muslim I mean we are from very very different worlds we think a lot the same but some things are very different.

      But I can understand what she’s saying in regards to this , but in my country even to talk like this you’d be classed as a pedophile .

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      • RoseIsabella

        Pedophiles are sub-human garbage. The practice of marrying off little girls in some cultures is EVIL! Anyone who would sell off their daughter is garbage!

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    • RoseIsabella

      Those people were ignorant, now people know better.

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      • True that, not saying it should be changed now but just saying there was a time when age of consent wasn't a thing

        Carl Jung talked about a collective unconscious, and like how animals for example just seem to know how to hunt and forage I think parts of our past as a species still plays a role in who we are today, like with OP's wife thinking it's okay for two sentient beings to agree on sex regardless of age

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        • RoseIsabella

          It will NEVER be okay for adults to be sexual with children, and underaged people are still children. OP's wife was raised in a messed up culture.

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          • I agree with you, but his wife probably has reasons we don't know and it begins to beg a bigger question; who are we to say she's wrong (aside from the justice department)

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            • RoseIsabella

              It's not about saying it's wrong, it's about knowing it's wrong. His wife doesn't know any better, because of the culture from which she came. I don't need to be the Pope, or the President, or even the Queen of England to know that OP's wife's opinions on this subject are born of ignorance, ill informed, and just plain wrong.

              She can believe whatever she wants, but it still doesn't change the fact that her opinions, and beliefs are wrong. Underaged people are not capable of giving consent, and especially not consent with regard to sex with adults. Adults who wish to have sex with underaged people are wrong, and degenerate!

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  • COVID-19

    We're talking about a group of people that refuse to drink alcohol or certain kinds of meat, but will gladly smoke their lungs into ash and cheat you out of your money so I don't think logic really applies mate.

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    • RoseIsabella

      They're messed up people!

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    • LloydAsher

      I agree with the smoking bit mate. A hookah is belive it or not WORSE than cigarettes, because at least with cigarettes the company puts a filter on it so it doesnt kill the customer as fast.

      With a hookah you are smoking and the smoke gets "filtered" by the water. Water doesnt filter shit.

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      • RoseIsabella

        I wouldn't use a hookah for tobacco.

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  • EnglishLad

    Paedophilia is sick, twisted and perverse. I don't care what religion you belong to, if you think it's ok to groom or violate an innocent child and make them your sexual "plaything" then you should be buried alive underneath a prison.

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    • Clunk42

      I don't think pedophilia has anything to do with what the wife was talking about in this situation. Pedophilia is a specific thing, unrelated in most manners to underage sex. Pedophilia is just like any other philia, a state of being sexual aroused by a certain object or circumstance. In pedophilia's case, that object is children. So, a person who simply falls in love with an underage person is not necessarily a pedophile. I'm not saying pedophilia is a good thing (it's neutral if not acted upon and negative if acted upon), but I don't think pedophilia has anything to do OP's wife is talking about.

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      • CelticDarkMoon

        This is definitely not what she’s referring too .
        And I agree with what your saying

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      • Bazinga

        Yes, but because you support murderous abstination, you have no moral authority here. Any Abstinator is failing to manage temptation. Combine that with pedophilia and you have perverted priests who poke children in the butt.

        Again, we are hearing arguments from you that are in contempt of common sense.

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        • Clunk42

          Paul himself said that abstinence is a good thing. Also, you could at least try to explain why my argument is devoid of common sense, instead of making a statement that is both unrelated and devoid of common sense.

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          • Bazinga

            Okay, I've been reading a variety of religious material about Catholicism. And, I think I have identified the problem that is filling me with rage. It is this: your views on sex, masturbation, birth control, et all, are those that were condoned before Vatican II. It seems there is a small minority of Catholics that have not accepted all of the reinterpretations and the "spirit" of the Ecumenical Council. These followers have become known as "Traditionalist Catholics".

            So the problem here is actually full disclosure. If you always refer to your views as "Traditionalist Catholic" you will be doing both the traditionalists, and mainstream Catholics alike a favor. Mainstream Catholics will not think you are trying to speak for them.

            As an Agnostic leaning toward Theism, I would like my mainstream friends to know that I consider their more contemporary views to be reasonable. This is hard when issues get stirred up by avoiding the clarity of "Traditionalist Catholic". Please be responsible and identify your traditional school of thought as a preface to your comments.

            Thank you.

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            • Clunk42

              I've publicly stated that I'm a traditionalist Catholic on this website for quite some time now. It's in my about page; if you ask my religious beliefs, I'll say I'm a traditionalist Catholic. Vatican II was a terrible event which was hijacked after pope John XXII died.

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  • olderdude-xx

    The ancient standard for sexual activity was physical sexual maturity (or at least fairly well progressed); and that is essentially world-wide.

    Then, certain groups considered that the young lady in question had to know enough to agree to participate; and other groups did not have that standard (young ladies were married to men they had no interest in).

    The ancient religious texts behind Judaism, Christina, and Muslims have no age limit - and allow not just male polygamy but also men having young ladies as sex partners both before and after marriage with their wife (wives).

    So her personal belief is all in line with that. As long as a young lady was sexually developed enough - and willing to have sex (or experiment) with you that she has no objection if you and the young lady does so.

    I would also expect that your wife would expect that you would care for her and likely expect that it be a long term sexual and care relationship (not bed-hopping). I also suspect that your wife would not be concerned about any children that resulted (and even multiple children).

    That would all be totally consistent. She might even arrange for you to sleep with, and develop a relationship with, a lady that she notices you are "eyeing" if she thinks the lady would be a good match for you.

    Now what are the laws where you live may say different. But, I believe there are still countries in the world that allow all of that. There are certainly countries that allow multiple wives and other routine sex partners while married within the marriage per the old standards.

    You might wish to explore with your wife her views on other partners (and even potentially other wives); resulting children, etc. That may provide you with options in your marriage that you did not know you had. I'm not saying that you have to use those options. On the other hand, someday you may find you need those options.

    I hope that helps,


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  • LloydAsher

    And people wonder why traditonal islam is hated by most circles. I'll take the talk of eternal fire with Christian fundamentalists vs the barbaric world of islam.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Islam is a religion founded by a pedophilic false prophet.

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      • Looking_through_the_glass

        There are multiple prophets and jesus is one of them, people just changed the story because some how Adam and eve can just be created but Jesus can't

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        • CelticDarkMoon

          Personally I’m not religious

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      • charli.m

        And the Catholic church allows paedophiles in its ranks. It protects them over children.

        All religions have much to be ashamed of.

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        • CelticDarkMoon

          This is another reason why I hate most religions , but it’s not just religions , the rich and powerful also do this

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      • CelticDarkMoon

        Now you sound stupid ..... there is no prophet.
        There is no Jesus coming back from the dead , there ain’t no Mary giving birth without getting some cock .

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        • RoseIsabella

          ... and a large portion of the world would say that you are stupid as well, because something had to create the Universe, it didn't create itself.

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    • CelticDarkMoon

      She doesn’t like Islam at all and her family doesn’t like the fact she’s married to a white soldier either but fuck them .... she is more western now then before but it still has its issues as you can see

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      • RoseIsabella

        Good, ideally your wife should convert to Christianity, and adopt Western beliefs about sex, children and especially with regard to women, and girls. Your wife should be grateful to have left her ass backwards culture, and relation.

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        • CelticDarkMoon

          Why should she do that ? So she can’t think that Adam and Eve are real .

          And penguins travelled across the world to board a boat because the world was going to end . 😂

          Neither of us are religious nuts , and this is another problem with the world thinking one know better because of religion

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      • LloydAsher

        I dont personally hate her, I hate the group that she got those ideas from. Islam COULD be a decent religion but it has to go through a renaissance like christianity did with Lutheran reformation. Problem with islam is that it is as brutal as the old testament of the bible without the much needed morality of the new testament. No modern christian followes the old testament for guidance, they find meaning in the new testament. Islam lacks compassion for non believers, christianity at least wants the non believers to stay alive so they can be converted. Much better than genocide if you ask me.

        Honestly I wish ISIS did more fuckery to china. At least there they had some actual credence to bomb goverment buildings. Of course I'm a terrible person for saying that an enemy should be an antagonist for our main enemy. Because that always works out for our favor (al Qaeda and 9/11)

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        • Correction

          “ No modern christian followes the old testament for guidance”


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          • YE

            He has a point though... the reason behind all the beef the Pharisees had against Jesus Christ and his tweeter followers.

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            • CelticDarkMoon


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          • LloydAsher

            I stick by it because that would mean that modern Christian is a MODERATE. I didnt drop in Catholics in there as a moderate. Most modern Christian's are protestants.

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            • Correction

              Every single Christian Sharia, err I mean “religious freedom” law, is based on the Old Testament. One of the US’s two major political parties still uses he Old Testament as its foundation. Opposing gay marriage, opposing abortion, opposing prostitution, supporting the death penalty. It’s all Old Testament garbage that’s mostly revoked by Jesus in the New Testament yet still virulently followed by Christian conservatives. Christians who are progressive democrats/socialists, like Jesus would be if he were alive today, follow the New Testament, but they’re nowhere near the majority of people who claim to be Christians.

              The only difference between the US and the Middle East is that there’s more secularists in the US. If Christian conservatives had as much power in the US as Muslim conservatives have in the Middle East, you better believe things would be the same here as they are there. Women just got the right to drive in Saudi Arabia, they got that right in the US in 1909. The first woman elected to Congress was in 1916. The first woman appointed to a cabinet position was in 1933. Women didn’t have the right to vote everywhere until 1920. It was illegal to advertise birth control in the 1930’s, unmarried women had trouble getting birth control until the 1970’s. Women couldn’t get a divorce without their husband’s consent until the 70’s, female genital mutilation was covered by health insurance companies until the 70’s. The first woman elected to the Senate was in 1980, the first woman on the Supreme Court in 1981. There still hasn’t been a female President or Vice President. All of these changes were forced by secularists and fought against by Christians.

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            • RoseIsabella

              Catholicism is the oldest, and largest Christian denomination, and the only one that was founded by Jesus Christ who is the Messiah.

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            • Clunk42

              While Catholics aren't moderate, your idea that most Christians are protestant isn't true. It might be where you live, but it's not if you look at the entire world.

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  • Blipblorpbing

    It's not really normal, but her point of view is acsepted in many places. I would recommend you talk to her about the consept.

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  • RoseIsabella

    No, your wife's opinions on underaged sex are not normal, but she was raised in an ignorant, and deeply misogynistic culture.

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    • Clunk42

      What does misogyny have to do with underage sex?

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      • RoseIsabella

        A lot.

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        • LloydAsher

          Dont know why you are getting downvoted but it seems we got a lot more islam lovers in IIN than usual.

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          • Clunk42

            Perhaps it's related to the fact that, historically, males were also allowed to legally get married at an age modern society would consider inappropriate.

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          • RoseIsabella

            I dunno, I rather suspect there are pedobears in our midst, and I for one would love to shoot one right between the eyes. I'm starting to think this post was not made by a guy who's married to a Muslim/Arab woman, but it's quite possible that this post may have been made by a pedophile. Either way I'm not taking back anything I have said about cultures that allow full grown men, and oftentimes middle-aged men to have sex with underaged girls. It's completely disgusting, and I think there should be more vigilantism with regard to how sex offenders are dealt with. 😊

            Seriously, pedophiles are sub-human garbage. Pedophiles should be chopped up, and fed to the gators. 🙂

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          • RoseIsabella

            There are a lot of ignorant people in this world who don't understand that it's not racist, nor is it islamophobic to point out the truth. Political correctness, and multiculturalism are lies, garbage.

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    • CelticDarkMoon

      But min age sex laws vary across the world , so in one country you’d be okay , and in other not .
      So if you and your partner had sex in one country that was ok but went on holiday to another you’d be arrested.

      It makes no sense to me , but understand why the age limit is there .

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      • RoseIsabella

        I don't think it's appropriate for adults to have sexual relations with young people who aren't legal adults themselves.

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        • CelticDarkMoon

          Your not really answering my last comment .

          Most people have sex before the legal age of consent , I was 13 when I first had sex she was 19 , to me it was great .

          But what I’m trying to get at , should it be up to the people as long as it’s consensual

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          • RoseIsabella

            No, a thirteen year old is not old to give consent.

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            • CelticDarkMoon

              May I ask what country you are from ?
              Age and gender?

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            • CelticDarkMoon

              I’m not saying it’s right but to me it wasn’t wrong , maybe because I was more mature for my age I don’t know .

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  • Clunk42

    I agree with her. I say, anyone who's married can have sex with their partner, and people of any age can marry. However, marriage is a big decision, so people and their prospective partners of all ages should think very hard before doing it.

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    • RoseIsabella

      No, there's ZERO reason for anyone to ever be sexual in any way with a twelve year old CHILD!!! The concept of child brides, and forced marriages is evil, and immoral.

      Some cultures are innately inferior to others, many Middle Eastern cultures are inferior to Western Culture. The concept of multiculturalism is fundamentally flawed, because not all cultures are equal. Some cultures are extremely ignorant, and ass backwards.

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      • Looking_through_the_glass

        guy just open this link so you can understand islam better

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      • Clunk42

        I've been thinking, googling, and reading. I'm starting to disagree with my previous stance, but it's not because underage marriage is necessarily evil. It's because most children are incapable of properly understanding the meaning of marriage. That's not to say that all of them are, but most are. Something I've noticed about the way you write about this is that you seem to only be mentioning underage females getting married, when there are underage males who get married, as well. I agree with everything else you said in your reply, though.

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        • RoseIsabella

          I don't think underaged PEOPLE, meaning both males, and females, ought to be having sex, or getting married to anyone, and especially NOT to adults!

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  • ellnell

    No it's not normal, but obviously this is a cultural difference. She's been raised with those beliefs and doesn't know any better. A 12 year old can't make a logical decision about sex, this is why 12 year olds are not adults. They don't know what's best for them, they're just kids and will do things without thinking much about consequences.

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  • Yes it's all ok.

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    • CelticDarkMoon

      Can you elaborate

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  • my_life_my_way

    It’s normal, young teens want sex and are physically ready for it. Sex isn’t some big thing that emotionally traumatises you, it’s just sex and you’re still exactly the same after.

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    • Blipblorpbing

      Yoyr really not sex when not emotionally developed can harm you for the rest of your life.

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  • Looking_through_the_glass

    I am a muslim girl and it use to be normal for girls to know about sex as young as 10 and maybe get married once they get there period, but of course it doesnt happen now and I myself learned about sex once I was around 10 so she probably grew up in a community were if you were ever raped you could speak out and they would probably send the man to jail or just a very safe community.

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    • CelticDarkMoon

      Could I ask how old you are and which country do you live in ?

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    • CelticDarkMoon

      I’m starting to realise that okay by law it’s not okay but is it okay morally if they both want ?

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  • mouldiwarp

    Upbringing and religion shouldn’t matter, pedophilia is never normal.

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  • Somenormie

    No that is really messed up and I absolutely DO NOT think that that is normal for her to think that.

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  • CelticDarkMoon

    The age of consent is different across the world we all know what the laws dictate wether they right or wrong who knows.
    But from her point of view if I had sexual A relationship With a 12 year old now to her she wouldn’t mind , she thinks it would be normal as Long as it was consensual.
    To me this is not okay , but I’m trying to understand her thought process .
    Do I accept that she she thinks this or do I not.
    She thinks that people should stick to similar age range but if this does happen she thinks it’s okay .

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    • LloydAsher

      It's not normal to think like this anymore. Humanity is in a well off position, most people can expect to live into adulthood. That means immediately having sex with children is way more detrimental than the previous meek benefits.

      Islam is in the wrong completely. Kids deserve to grow up to full biological maturity before having sex. Of course puberty is always a factor but that's why the civilized world let's underage sex slide if its between two minors.

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      • RoseIsabella

        I still think it's wrong for two middle school aged kids to have sex. Adolescents are not capable of giving consent, even with each other, but when an adult is involved it's criminal, it's rape when an adult has sex with a minor.

        Just because something feels good, doesn't mean people should do it. I honestly think it's best if young people abstain from sex until their early twenties, because their brains are still developing. I also think that it's selfish for a person to try to convince another person who is impressionable to do anything sexual. It's wrong, and selfish to take advantage of a drunk person, or someone who is underaged, and well as an intellectually challenged person, or even someone who is struggling with depression, and anxiety, because that person has just went through a big breakup. A lot of people in this world are way too selfish, and opportunistic!

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    • RoseIsabella

      She probably thinks like that, because she was raised in a very backward, and ignorant culture. It's NEVER normal for a 12 year old child to have sex with an adult.

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  • rocketdave

    The first age of consent in England was 12!

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    • RoseIsabella

      ... and that was wrong! The universal age of consent should be 18 worldwide!

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      • rocketdave

        That was in 1275, the normal death age was mid thirties. You had to have your children young or with the high infant mortality rate of those days the human race would have died out.

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    • CelticDarkMoon

      It’s 16 now ,

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      • RoseIsabella

        ... and it should be 18.

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        • rocketdave

          And have many more girls stigmatised for having babies under age, brilliant!

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          • RoseIsabella

            No, I've NEVER stigmatized pregnant teens, but the fact of the matter is that they wouldn't be in those crisis pregnancies if they had not been sexually active.

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            • rocketdave

              But they ARE sexually active, laws won't stop them, it never has and never will.

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